Future FAULT = Kyle Nicolaides

  Kyle Nicolaides photo by Cara Robbins Kyle Nicolaides is a Los Angeles…


FAULT: What was the creative process of your new record? Jean: This album took…


Following on from the release of Space Is Only Noise earlier this year, Nicolas…

Clap Your Hands Say Yeah

Fault spoke with Lee Sargent and Sean Greenhalgh Clap Your Hands Say Yeah What…

Welcome to Biophilia

The deep, soothing sound of David Attenborough’s voice greets the…

Amadou & Mariam - The Blind Couple From Mali

“A story is like a dream. And we can only dream with our eyes closed.” Hamadoun…

Beat And The Pulse

Austra will in likelihood be musically condemned to the esoteric outskirts of…

Badass is rare to come across nowadays...

But where The Velvet Underground & Nico came to a close amidst the din and…