As wild as it sounds, it’s now been two years since The Driver Era made their official debut with runaway single ‘Preacher Man’ and the rest, as they say, is history. While brothers Rocky and Ross Lynch have been kept busy by their other commitments outside of the group, in their short time they have both managed to stay true to their musical leanings with the release of wildly popular singles Áfterglow, Low, Feel You Now among others along with dropping their critically acclaimed debut album entitled ‘X’ last year.
The Driver Era isn’t just a band however, able to transcend genres, each release is an experience; a chance for listeners to discover how their lived experiences have made an impact on them creatively. While a global pandemic might have thwarted their touring plans this spring, the band hasn’t slowed down and have just released two new tracks entitled ‘flashdrive’ and ‘OMG Plz Don’t Come Around”.
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The Driver Era: flashdrive
”flashdrive’ is appropriately hazy in its production with lyrics “So fill my cup up, Till I feel love, Wait that’s too much, Now I’m fucked up” making for a truly intoxicating listening experience.
The Driver Era: OMG Plz Don’t Come Around
‘OMG Plz Don’t Come Around’ a track seeping in metaphors for toxic love, shows off the band’s ability to tell stories with strong narratives without over descriptive lyrics dragging the listener along the whole time. While the first half of the track’s production is filled with Driver Era patented hypnotism, the chaotic swing in the latter moments snaps you back to reality, it arrests your attention – forcing you to process the song’s messaging.

All in all, both tracks are exciting new additions to the band’s discography. The Driver Era has once again managed to transcend genres without losing key elements of their music that makes them so unique. With rumblings of a new album on the way, we’re very excited to hear what else is left to come from!