Lights of Soho art gallery launches open call for submissions
The new show ‘Signs That Say What You Want Them To Say…’ will be a showcase of up-and-coming artists working with the medium of light at the gallery who has exhibited work by Tracey Emin, Gavin Turk, Chris Bracey and Robert Montgomery since it opened in May.
Hamish Jenkinson, Curator at Lights of Soho said, “With this show, I’m hoping that we can reach artists who are well into their craft or just discovering it. I’d like to show young artists that art is a democratic experience and that they too can be featured in a London gallery.”

The show has been named after a 1992 photo series by conceptual artist Gillian Wearing titled ‘Signs That Say What You Want Them To Say, And Not Signs That Say What Someone Else Wants You To Say’ which also explored themes of democracy in art and communication.
The previous shows, ‘City Lights’ and ‘The Art of Burning Man’, have mixed high profile artists with the newest creative talent. The gallery’s dedication to emerging artists, in addition to its members’ bar which is a meeting hub for London’s creative community, is fast making Lights of Soho one of the most exciting venues in the capital.
Ahead of the open submission show, Lights of Soho will also be hosting a three day pop up exhibition ‘Ignis Fatuus: Dreams & Delusions’, curated by Mehta Bell Projects to mark the opening of Start Art Fair and also featuring a selection of budding talent from the contemporary art world. The pop up will run from 11th to 13th Setpember.
Light artists can submit images and details of their work for the open submission show by emailing [email protected] before 14th September. Successful artists will be notified by 19th September and will win a membership to Lights of Soho as well as their work included in the show. For more information visit
‘Signs That Say What You Want Them To Say…’ will run from 8th October until 21st November.