'The Hunt' - Massimo Zanusso's FAULT
Top: Gaetano NavarraGloves: Giuseppe MenaleSkirt: Karl Lagerfeld Studded…
Ottoman Opulence: Hannan Saleh's FAULT
Maria wearsHeadpiece: Mariel RojoTop & Pants: NovisRing & Bracelet:…
'Black & White Russian' - Editorial shot by Ilaria Conte for FAULT online
Leather and fur dress with detachable scarf by Brandon SunSnake print stockings…
Martín Gutierrez: the artist in font of the camera
A year after graduating from the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) Martín…
Luciano Pierre White and Danielle Halley shot by Mairi-Luise Tabbakh
Danielle: Model's own.Luciano: Tailor made Pogson & Davies suit Danielle:…
Fault Focus: 'Human Relations' curator Sascha Bailey and artist Mairi-Luise Tabbakh
Having recently wrapped up their successful exhibition 'Human Relations',…
Somerset House exhibits 1941-60 works by the Blumenfeld Studio: New York
From May 23rd – September 1st Somerset House is holding an exhibition focusing…