Astroid Boys assemble an exclusive FAULT playlist

It may only be midweek, but that didn’t stop Astroid Boys joining us for an exclusive Rock VS Grime playlist. Here are there top picks from both worlds.


Manga st hilaire – running out

It’s an old song but the lyrics are spot on.
Relatable. Honest. Powerful.

Mace – fresh prince of the diff

A top Cardiff boy talking about being king of the ends and he is. He always brings good energy

Sonny double 1 – mo farah

A top Cardiff anthem and always gets the crowd bouncing
Known him since I was a kid.

Faith – berry

London born Cardiff resident – beautiful girl beautiful voice. Great song

Daniel og – solange

Classic good flow. Raps. Vibes. Beat selection.

Turnstile – gravity

Energy energy energy.

Trash talk – awake

We have great memories of touring with them – great band and great tunes.

Death grips – guillotine

Pure unrelenting brutal aggression.

Expire – just fine

Good memories of arms swinging in Europe supporting them on tour.

Rotting out – street prowl

Makes me wanna cycle really fast down hill


Check out Astroid Boys’ own ‘Cheque’ below.


Catch AB on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.