With a passion for storytelling, Dag Knudsen often shoots series with a clear dramatury, drawing him to editorial work on fashion series.
FAULT: Why did you become a photographer?
Dag: I have always been fascinated by film and photography and the ways the two mediums allow us to create worlds for the spectators. Photography is in a way a language one can use to express so much more that words become poor in comparison.
FAULT: Do you remember the first photo you took and with what camera?
Dag: Yes, it was of my sister. And I took it with my mother’s Kodak Instamatic 155 x. I still remember the snap of the shutter. And my thumb covered half the photo. I must have been four or five years old.
FAULT: What kind of advice would you give to new photographers?
Dag: I would say that they would really need to have a true passion for their profession if they ever want to succeed. Being a photographer is more of a way of life, not just a job.
FAULT: Due to years in experience as a fashion photographer, would you consider a career in filmmaking?
Dag: Yes, I do. I am currently working on a script for a short movie and plan to shoot two music videos during summer. I have dreamt of making movies ever since I was a kid. I have a strategy of doing so, but I don’t want to rush it.
FAULT: If you had the chance to photograph a dead icon, who would it be and why?
Dag: I would have loved to shoot Joan of Arc, nude if possible, in a battle setting and capture the fierce gaze and blood lust in her eyes. I have a deep admiration for heroines and she accomplished a lot in times when women were considered mere property.
FAULT: What is your favourite part about being a photographer?
Dag: My favourite part of being a photographer must be that every day at work is different from the previous one. I meet a lot of people and get to use my imagination and follow whatever inspires me at that moment. And I come a long great with my boss; yours truly.
FAULT: Do you have an all time favourite magazine cover?
Dag: Yes, it must be my future cover for FAULT magazine! Haha, no I don’t really have a favourite cover. Did Caravaggio do covers?
FAULT: What is your FAULT?
Dag: It is definitely my fault that I´m always late. I am a notorious time optimist.