Healthy Junkies

One’s to watch in 2011


FAULT: How has 2011 been for you so far?

2011 has so far been a good year for us. We have played many shows in London and some outside, all the time gaining confidence and taking our performances to new levels. Also we finished recording our debut album “Sick Note” and now are very near to completion of the artwork too. “Sick Note “ is currently available on i-tunes for download.

FAULT: How did you meet and start making music together?

British guitarist Phil Honey-Jones and Parisian vocalist Nina Courson met at the venue Punk in Soho in 2008, combining forces and starting writing together in 2009. Tjay is an old friend of Phil’s, they have played in various line-ups together in the past so becoming part of Healthy Junkies was a natural step. Steve Nightmare met everyone through mutual friends and joined the band in October 2010 playing the first gig together at an all day punk festival in Brighton. It was a chaotic, drunken affair that will be remembered fondly.



FAULT: What has been the source of inspiration for your latest work?

Inspiration has come from many and varied places. Every band member has particular influences but many common ones too. To name but a few :Nirvana, Killing Joke, T.REX, Bowie, Janes addiction, Bauhaus, Blondie, Sonic Youth, Iggy Pop. These great names have led the way and inspire us to make something new from all the elements and keep the spirit of Rock’n’roll alive.

FAULT: What are you currently working on?

We have written 4 new songs that we are about to start rehearsing to include in our live set. The titles are : Mad Parade, Swansong, Suck and Sex War. We are planning a launch party for the album in September along with a new video of the song ‘Manifesto’ for release at the same time.

FAULT: Has your approach to song writing changed over time?

The very first song Nina and Phil wrote was actually a birthday present for a good friend. The song is called Glam sister and is fast and furious. Since then many songs have been born and the approach and result varies according to what’s happening in real life. We wrote one song while on holiday in Jamaica in January 2009, it was so laid back and sunny we had to drop it !

FAULT: What is the story behind Trash my love?

Trash my love is part autobiographical and part delusional fiction. We’re not going to tell you which is which but we had a lot of fun making it. The building we filmed it in was due for demolition, we had to break in, and it was probably not in accordance with health and safety but no grooms got hurt in the making of it. The place was called Bombproof studios and was the home of some of our friends and a great party warehouse.



FAULT: What can fans expect from Healthy Junkies in 2011?

We will be playing some U.K dates out of London in May, then some in France in June. The aforementioned album launch party will be in London in September. Expect drama, glitter and trash.

FAULT: Who would you like to work with on future projects?

One celebrity that keeps cropping up at gigs and who seems to be in touch with several of our friends is Boy George. Nina had a crush on him when she was 14years old, and when he showed up at our gig on Valentine’s day at Proud Gallery, Camden she stole a kiss from him. We wrote a song for him in 2009 and are about to record a version in the studio. The ideal scenario for us would be for him to guest vocal on it, he has yet to hear it, but hear it he will.

FAULT: What is your FAULT?

Having French and English in the same band (Remember the 100years war!)



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