Rebecca Black FAULT Magazine Covershoot And Interview
Rebecca Black X FAULT Magazine

Photographer/Creative Director: Carianne Older
Stylist: Branden Ruiz
Makeup: Ashley Simmons
Hair: Rachel Lita
Set Design: Drip Dome – Patricia & Diana Kwiatkowski, Matt Haines
Lighting Design/Videographer: Kevin Sikorski
Assist: Paulina Older
PR/Partnerships: Frazes Creative
Rebecca Black has come a long way since her viral hit “Friday” in 2011. For years Rebecca Black fought to reclaim her narrative and take ownership of her artistry all of which culminated in the release of her debut studio album “Let Her Burn”. The record showcases her diverse talents as a songwriter and performer across genres and after playing a string of sold-out shows in the UK and Ireland, we caught up with Rebecca to discuss her album, her upcoming North American tour and of course, her FAULTs.

Now that your album has been released and had time to breathe, do you feel that you accomplished everything you wanted to do with the project?
Rebecca Black: It’s only been out for such a short time, and it was my first time doing something of this magnitude. It’s been a huge learning experience. In a lot of ways, I wanted to give this piece of myself and my music to my audience and create some visuals that would invite them into my world. There was just so much that I wanted to do that couldn’t be done, but it made me more excited for the next one. I’m just so happy that people have connected with it.
Did mass exposure at a young age help your artistry, or do you think it hurt your growth because every experiment was in front of a huge audience?
Rebecca Black: I think my particular experience was unique because I got the start with a huge amount of negativity and criticism thrown my way. As a child, that’s just a really difficult thing to process on your own. It’s just not normal to be exposed to that much criticism when you’re just trying to begin developing who you are as a person, let alone your music.
When I grew up a little bit and started trying to figure out myself and my art, I did a lot of performances and tiny little shows that I would barely even promote. I was just trying to get out a lot of the fear and shame that came after “Friday.” I just had to find it in my own way. I’m so glad I did. I did all those shows, even though I was petrified because that helped me get to a place where now I am comfortable on stage.
Friday was released a decade ago and the music industry is completely different today – Do you ever wonder what it would have been like to go viral in today’s climate where viral music is far more common?
Rebecca Black: I’ve thought about that a little bit. There are so many things that I see happen to young people online now, and I always wonder how they’re coping. There’s a lot of confusion that comes with going viral and you’re entering a world full of adults who tell you that they know better than you. the world makes you feel like you are even more of a child and you don’t have any authority.
It can be just so easy to get swept up in a world that you don’t know and people taking advantage of you. with there being so much more, that happens now and a million people going viral every month – I just hope that the kids aren’t getting swept up and taken advantage of for their ignorance. A lot of times, parents have no idea what’s going on. I don’t know if I would rather grow up now or grow up then.
“Destroy Me” through “Misery Loves Company” are very vibrant tracks. As you’ve grown as an artist, has it become easier to pen these more reflective and vulnerable tracks?
Rebecca Black: I don’t know if it’s ever really a struggle. I think it’s been something I’ve been trying to become a lot more comfortable with What I’ve learned is that you just have to go with what the song is feeding you. Sometimes I set out to write something that’s deeply personal, but then I end up with a song like “Crumbs,” which is about themes of fantasy and sexuality.
Do you ever find it hard to strike that balance between sharing your personal experiences while also maintaining that level of privacy and boundaries with your listener?
Rebecca Black: I feel lucky that my audience takes what I give them and understands how it makes us all similar. You never know what people will think when you put music out there. I look at a lot of influencers, and a lot of times, I’m always like, “How do you guys do it? How do you invite that level of personal feedback into your lives?” Music is just a different medium. Through a song, it feels like the easiest way to communicate emotions while keeping privacy in my own world.

What’s one question or one aspect of this album or your musical journey in general that no one tends to ask you but is always something that you want to discuss about your artistry?
Rebecca Black: I was quite intentional with the reasons that each song has the references that it does. I love talking about music, I love talking about production, and I love talking about the choices that were made to make a song feel complete. I have so much to learn as a person who has a hand in producing her own work. I’ll sit with a song for two months trying to figure out the right drums.
What would you say has been the best piece of musical advice you’ve ever received?
Rebecca Black: “Never do anything to sacrifice a song.” I think there can be urges or pressure to be done with something when you, in your gut, just know that it’s not ready or that you haven’t truly unlocked the song. I think the best advice I’ve ever been given is just to keep going. You know, if it doesn’t feel good, keep going. And then one day it will be nice.
What is your FAULT?
I have high expectations for myself which are not at all reachable. I can be really emotional towards myself and some of the people closest to me in my life. I think sometimes I can be a little too hard on everyone, but I try not to be.
Thursday, May 4, 2023 – Boston, MA – The Sinclair *sold-out*
Friday, May 5, 2023 – Philadelphia, PA – The Foundry
Saturday, May 6, 2023 – Brooklyn, NY – Elsewhere Hall *sold-out*
Tuesday, May 9, 2023 – Montreal, QC – Theatre Fairmount
Wednesday, May 10, 2023 – Toronto, ON – Axis Club
Friday, May 12, 2023 – Chicago, IL – Bottom Lounge
Sunday, May 14, 2023 – St. Paul, MN – Amsterdam
Tuesday, May 16, 2023 – Denver, CO – Marquis Theater
Wednesday, May 17, 2023 – Salt Lake City, UT – Soundwell
Friday, May 19, 2023 – San Francisco, CA – The Independent
Saturday, May 20, 2023 – Los Angeles, CA – El Rey Theatre