Sam Reid FAULT Magazine Covershoot and Interview
Sam Reid X FAULT Magazine

Photographer / Creative Director: Raen Badua
Stylist: Alvin Stillwell | Celestine Agency
Grooming: Diana Schmidtke
Photo Assistant: Anaiah Papaya
In AMC’s adaptation of Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire, Sam Reid takes on the complex role of Lestat de Lioncourt—a character beloved and deeply rooted in the imaginations of fans worldwide. Balancing the original vision of Anne Rice with his unique interpretation, Reid delves into the intricate dynamics of Lestat, blending charm, darkness, and vulnerability. In our exclusive interview, Reid opens up about the challenges of portraying an iconic figure, his personal creative journey, and the quirks of navigating a character that exists in the hearts of many. Sam Reid, This is your FAULT.

Shirt + Trousers; Pendleton
Belt: Ralph Lauren
Shoes: Asos
FAULT Magazine: At the start of the project, were you ever fearful about taking on a project when the original has such an established fanbase?
Sam Reid: Definitely. It’s a surreal experience taking on a role that already exists in people’s minds. Fear can be helpful though; it makes you approach a thing with caution. I spent a lot of time looking at fan art before we started filming the first season and trying to gauge how he existed in people’s minds. I would cross-reference that with interviews with Anne Rice about the character. That was an interesting process; her original vision developed into something quite different through the eyes of her fans and, at times, I would find it a bit confusing trying to reconcile that. In the end, I had to let go of trying to define him too much as he is lots of things to many different people.

Shirt: Calvin Klein
Trousers: John Varvatos
Shoes: Underground

Shirt: Calvin Klein
Trousers: John Varvatos
Shoes: Underground
FAULT Magazine: What would you say has been the biggest challenge of playing Lestat?
Sam Reid: Rolin is a master of having 20 things happening at the same time in a scene. Every day on set is a challenge for that reason. The mental gymnastics are deeply satisfying for an overthinker like myself.

Shirt: Oliver Spencer
Belt: Ralph Lauren
Shoes: Asos
FAULT Magazine: Is Lestat a character it’s easy to switch off from at the end of filming, or do you find yourself still exploring even after the cameras have stopped rolling?
Sam Reid: It’s always ticking away somewhere in the back of my mind; what’s coming up, what I have to learn how to do convincingly, that kind of thing. But as a general rule, I like to switch off as soon as they call cut. I don’t think actors staying in character helps anyone and often can create a weird vibe on set.

FAULT Magazine: What’s one aspect of playing Lestat that no one has asked you about before, but is something you’ve always wanted to say or discuss?
Sam Reid: I feel like I’ve been fortunate enough to have had some pretty extensive questioning in regard to Lestat. I would have loved to have had the opportunity to talk with Anne Rice about him though—I’m sure she’d have had a long list of confronting notes for me.

Shirt: Burberry

Shirt: Burberry
FAULT Magazine: When you look back on your creative journey, what would you say has been the most challenging hurdle to overcome?
Sam Reid: I think when I started out I was very obsessed with archetypes and using them to develop characters. As I got older, I realised that there is no cookie-cutter version of anyone, so a lot of my ways of working flew out the window. It was quite liberating creatively, though, as I wasn’t making things from wood anymore—everything was made from mess. The messier the better. The hurdle was allowing myself to be trashy and make mistakes and look like an idiot. It gets easier and easier each time until eventually…you’re laughing at yourself with everyone else.

Shirt: Sunspel
Trousers: Jack Victor
Shoes: Marni

Shirt: Sunspel
Trousers: Jack Victor
Shoes: Marni

Shirt: Sunspel
Trousers: Jack Victor
Shoes: Marni
FAULT Magazine: Is there a certain quality you look for in a script when searching for the next project?
Sam Reid: I try to go after things that I would actually watch. So when I read a script and I feel excited to see it finished, that’s usually a good indication to go after it.

Jacket: Ioedle
Sweater: Eckhaus Latta
Trousers: Ioedle
Shoes: Underground
FAULT Magazine: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
Sam Reid: Don’t forget to look up or you will miss the mountains.

Sweater: Eckhaus Latta
Shoes: Underground

Sweater: Eckhaus Latta
Shoes: Underground
FAULT Magazine: What’s the worst?
Sam Reid: If you’re attacked by a wild dog, gently stroke its ears.

Shirt: Burberry
Trousers: Ioedle

Shirt: Burberry
Trousers: Ioedle

Shirt: Burberry
Trousers: Ioedle
FAULT Magazine: What is your FAULT?
Sam Reid: Getting my never-ending row of ducks lined up before I can start anything.