What to look for in a new fishing bib and brace in 2024

Anyone who has been fishing for a little while now, whether for pleasure or for work, will know just how far fishing tech has evolved. Everything from rods to gear cases have become lighter, stronger and often, more affordable. Here, we’ve decided to create a new guide on buying a fishing bib and brace in 2024, while taking these technological developments into consideration.
Intended usage
When looking for a new fishing bib and brace, the first thing to do is make sure that you match the product you’re buying from somewhere like Stormline Gear with your intended usage. For example, if you’re going to be angling in a warm climate, you’ll want a far lighter and less durable bib compared to if you’re working on a trawler in the North Atlantic.
Waterproof materials have come a long way over the past few decades. If you’re looking for a new fishing bib and brace in 2024, it’s crucial that you’re at least somewhat aware of these developments, so that you can identify the option that most closely suits your needs.
For example, if you need something that’s highly breathable, a bib made from the latest iteration of GoreTex Pro might be far better than a bib made from a thicker fabric aimed at withstanding commercial usage.
One of the great things about the new waterproof fabrics we have access to is the positive impact they’ve had on comfort. Where older waterproof fabrics were stiff and sweaty, newer options are highly flexible and often impressively breathable.
When looking for a new fishing bib and brace in 2024, you don’t have to sacrifice comfort like you would have had to even a decade ago. Make sure you keep this in mind, so you can keep your standards high in your search.
If you’re going to be wearing your bib on a regular basis, you’ll want to buy something that lasts. That means looking for an item that’s durable enough, but not at the cost of losing comfort or flexibility. Of course, this play-off between function and durability will always be something you have to navigate.
Breathable, lightweight fabrics will often inevitably wear out quicker than their heavier, more durable counterparts, and you’ll have to work out which is more important for your specific situation.
Lastly, you’ll want to make sure that the bib and brace you choose have the right features for you. That could mean having strengthened patches in high-wear areas such as the knees, or plenty of pockets to keep lures and other bits and pieces in. These features may seem a little superfluous to some, but the positive impact they can have on the day-to-day usability of the bib can be profound.
With this foundational understanding of what to look for, finding the right fishing bib and brace shouldn’t be too difficult. There might seem to be an overwhelming number of options on the market, but by applying the criteria listed above, you can massively narrow down your search to a small array of suitable options.