Ill Peach In Conversation With FAULT Magazine
In an exclusive interview with Ill Peach, the dynamic duo behind the eclectic debut album ‘THIS IS NOT AN EXIT,’ Pat and Jess delve into the therapeutic journey of self-expression, the unexpected influences shaping their music, and the visual dimension that elevates their musical landscape.

So, it’s been a month since the release of your debut album ‘THIS IS NOT AN EXIT’, how does it feel to have something so personal out for the world to hear?
Pat: Yeesh. It feels like a 500 lb gorilla off my back. I think we were both carrying a lot of baggage in the last couple of years, and when we wrote these songs they slowly started to shed these layers if that makes sense. And after a purge like that I feel sort of empty in a good way. Ready for the next thing. Whatever that is.
Jess: I think releasing music for any artist feels so exciting, yet weird. You do so much work to make the thing and then you let it go. Not that it doesn’t keep living on, but it’s such a different space once it’s out there. We were just commenting on this and how it almost feels like you’re going through a small depression but then you move on and work on the next thing.

What was the vision you had for your debut album before you began the writing and recording process? Did the outcome surprise you or did it meet that vision?
Jess: As we were writing and just having personal experiences, it became more and more obvious that this wasn’t going to land on anything extremely conceptual. But more was to try to encapsulate a bunch of feelings, from two perspectives, during a really intense journey of self-help and healing.
Pat: It was more about exploration more than anything else. Trying to find answers to things in life through making music.
As an album as intricate and eclectic as it is, what was your main source of inspiration in the making of it?
Jess: I took quite a long time off from writing prior to working on the album. And I knew that if I was going to continue on the path of being an artist, then I would have to really break it down and get super raw and emotional with myself. It turned into a very therapeutic journey for both of us to express.
Pat: That’s a tough one. I don’t really remember, to be honest. I didn’t listen to a lot of new music and mostly just trapped ourselves in our home studio. I think I was always trying to make something that my 16-year-old self would think is cool.

With your friendship going all the way back to high school, what do you think the high school versions of you both would think of ‘THIS IS NOT AN EXIT’?
Jess: I think we would be proud. We came from very nerdy backgrounds so to see how much we’ve elbowed and pushed our way into this musical landscape feels like an accomplishment.
Pat: Pretty rad, I think. Considering I listened to a ton of show tunes and we both were in an acappella jazz group together.
Out of the bunch, which track do you think sums up the essence of ill peach best?
Pat: For me, I’d say Colliding. Jess isn’t gonna like that I said that but I’ve always felt it’s one of the few songs where we both are equally being expressive and throwing everything we have against the wall.

With over half the tracks from the album being accompanied by either official music videos, visualizers, or lyric videos so far, it is clear that for you visuals are an integral part of the overall experience of the album. Tell me a little about that?
Pat: Since day 1 we’ve been working with our close friend Lucy Sandler. I almost look at her like a third member of the project when developing the visual language. It’s always been important to us to make ill peach feel multi-dimensional. More than just songs.
Jess: Lucy is such an extension of ill peach. Like Pat said from day 1, we spoke the same language.

What can you tell us about what 2024 has in store for ill peach?
Pat: We’re gonna start working on album 2 right away in the new year. We even talked about coming to the UK and Europe to work on it. Also some touring at the top of the year.
Jess: Yea, we have an itch to create the next version of our world.