Kayla Grace In Conversation With FAULT Magazine

Kayla Grace is one such rising star, and her debut EP ‘glass child’ is a testament to her ability to blend confessional lyrics with indie-pop elements. In this exclusive interview, we delve into the creative process behind ‘glass child,’ the powerful messages it conveys, and Kayla’s personal journey as an artist.
Can you tell us more about your debut EP ‘glass child’ and what inspired most during the creative process?
The EP explores a lot of my childhood struggles and experiences. It’s my first EP so I naturally started by working through my childhood in hopes to reach a place of self discovery. Nobody Loves Me is Glass Childs baby form. I wrote nobody loves me about the feeling of being a glass child before I even knew that glass child was a term.
The title track of your EP seems to have a powerful and emotional message. Can you elaborate on the meaning behind the song and its significance to you?
A glass child is a sibling of someone with disability, their additional needs mean that the glass child is often (unintentionally) neglected and their needs become see through.
I am a glass child myself and this EP explores different sides/effects of being one and explores the journey to discovering the term.
The EP features a mix of confessional lyrics and indie-pop elements. What do you hope listeners take away from ‘glass child,’ both in terms of the emotions it evokes and the messages you convey through your music?
I want anyone who has ever felt invisible or like they’re living in someone’s shadow to know that they are just as important as everyone else. And also some screamy rocky fun.
Your music has been described as “dark-edged indie pop.” How would you describe your own sound and musical style in your own words?
I’m gonna go for ‘depressingly hilarious indie pop’.
Your music has been praised for its honesty and vulnerability. How do you balance being so open in your songwriting while also maintaining a sense of privacy and personal boundaries?
I am incredibly open in music in a way that I’m not in my personal life. It’s weird because i’ll go to writing sessions and tell my darkest struggles to strangers but then I struggle to even talk about the same things to my closest friends. I think generally people that know me personally know not to address the topics in the music. Writing the songs is enough expression for me.
When you look back on your creative journey, what’s been the most challenging hurdle to overcome?
I think creating online content that does justice to my artist project has been and still is almost impossible. It’s so hard for all of us artists to put such emotion and hard work into a vertical 15 second video. Especially if it doesn’t perform how you want it to. It’s like a punch in the stomach.

What’s been the most memorable experience you’ve had on stage?
My favourite stage memory is performing pork pies at Baby Queens Deaf institute show in manchester. The whole audience laughed at every line it was just very heart warming and fun
What can fans expect from you for the remainder of 2023?
Lots of fun shows. Me and my guitar(s). I’m doing lots of writing hehe
What is your FAULT?
I have lots of those honestly. I think my biggest one is over analysing every situation or thought or feeling ever.