Benson Boone FAULT Magazine Cover and Interview

Today Benson Boone releases his brand new EP entitled Pulse. In recent years, Benson Boone, who has taken the music world by storm with his unique sound, emotional lyrics and FAULTLess use of social media (specifically TikTok) to grow his brand.
We wanted to delve into his writing process, the inspiration behind his latest single, biggest fears and as always, his FAULTs.
Was there a change in process for Pulse compared to your previous work?
I would say this music came a lot more naturally. The previous music I’ve released has been the very beginning of my music writing journey. Pulse is the first body of work I have release where all the songs I’ve written have been with a small group of people I’ve grown very comfortable with. The sessions were less focused on the intensity of finishing a song, and more on the fun we have writing and creating these tracks.
Can you explain the inspiration behind Lovely Darling?
“Lovely Darling” is about someone who’s in a relationship that doesn’t seem to be working but no one has communicated that. Both sides of the relationship are fading away and it gets to a point that the one person wishes they would just leave and take a part of their heart.
While the musicality of Lovely Darling is quite fun and bouncy, the lyrics are quite damning – is the juxtaposition of themes something you intended during the writing process?
Yes the themes were intended to be switched up. A lot do upbeat songs I’ve been writing have a little bit less deep lyrics, and this one both attracts the upbeat ear while diving into real emotion and feelings.
In contrast, how do you manage the emotional toll of performing the more stripped-back tracks like “What Was” and “Little Runaway”
I am a very emotional person. When I sing songs like these I feel so connected to the audience and the raw emotion that went into writing them. Although I love to bring the upbeat energy to the stage, I love performing these heartfelt songs so much.

What is your best Tour story from your Pulse tour?
I love to show off the more physical side of myself during concerts, and during one concert in Amsterdam I climbed the third floor balcony and jumped off onto the stage to come back out for the encore, the crowd went absolutely nuts!!
Is your songwriting process quite regimented or do you prefer to go with the flow?
I like to go with the flow. Every song is written differently, but one thing that never changes is my constant need to have a piano.
What’s your biggest fear as it pertains to your music?
Probably one day leaving this earth without inspiring at least a couple people with my music. I don’t want to be known for making ear Candy, I want to make a difference in people’s lives.
What’s been the most challenging hurdle you’ve had to overcome?
Probably realizing that I so badly messed up a relationship with someone that was actually the very right person for me. Lots of my musical inspiration comes from that.
What are you most excited for this summer?
Performing at festivals throughout Europe and maybe possibly potentially dropping an album
What is your FAULT? (personal flaw)
Probably tearing myself apart in my head. I think too much about what other people think about me, and I just need to live a little. Life is too short to base your experiences off someone else’s opinion.