Louise FAULT Magazine Covershoot and Interview

Stylist: Thomas George Wulbern
Makeup: Rebekah Lidstone
Hair: Alex Price at Frank Agency using GHD Hair

In 2020, Louise made her long-awaited return to music after. While her decision to focus on personal and family development, her time not releasing music is often described as her “break” from the music industry. In many ways, this break would call on Louise to work harder than ever before.
Today, Louise returns with new single, Super Magic. No longer bound by trends, gossip, and nineties girl-group fatigue – Louise is out to create music that speaks to the woman she is today. We caught up with Louise to discuss her musical journey, time on stage and of course, her FAULTs.

Gloves – stylist own
Dress – Vauthier
Shoes – YSL
The new track is really 80’s inspired, what was your inspiration behind that direction?
Anybody that knows me knows that I love funk, soul, RnB and a good baseline. I’m a massive Prince and Janet Jackson fan and they have always been my musical influences. I think starting in the music industry at such a young age, pop was very much just forced upon me because that’s what sold. Even though I’m proud of what I put out in the nineties, I feel this time around and on Heavy Love, I’ve gotten to be me and make music that I would love to listen to. I’ve got nobody telling me what’s going to work and what’s not going to work anymore. I’ve reached the stage in life where I might as well put out stuff I love rather than trying to feed the masses.

Gloves – stylist own
Dress – Vauthier
Shoes – YSL
Music trends can come and go – is it exciting to see your older tracks suddenly feel very trendy?
I’ve done lots of festivals this summer and performed the older songs. Not only does the audience remember them but a brand new audience is discovering the tracks. I think good songs always stand the test of time regardless of what era they were made in.
What’s been the biggest change you’ve seen between Heavy Love and the release of Super Magic?
I think my music changed lyrically because I’m in such a positive place, which is really nice. I feel when you’re a songwriter and an artist, your mood is reflected in your music. On Super Magic, I feel it’s really fun, upbeat, and a little bit sexy, and I’m having a fun time in the studio.

Shoes – alaiA
How did the lockdown affect your artistry?
Lockdown was a disaster and my heart goes out to everybody that suffered in lockdown. I think I was scared throughout the lockdown like everybody else. If I’m looking for the positives out of it, I got to spend real quality time with the kids, which is nice because you never get those years back when you’ve got teenagers. I was so thankful that I got to spend such quality time with them because you’re home every day and your role as a mum just kicks in.
I never thought I’d be given the chance to make music again. Life moved so quickly, and directions change. I think Lockdown made me appreciate how much I love doing what I do and it’s nice that music is a massive part of who I am.

Shoes – alaiA
What would you say was the hardest hurdle you’ve had to overcome?
I started up in Eternal which was really credible, to going solo while I was very young so it was easy for the labels to set me on a path that would sell. As I got older and worked on Hammer, Heavy Love and now Super Magic – I wanted to make music I loved rather than just ticking a box for what worked in the industry. I think I’ve forever had to fight to prove myself. Even with Super Magic, people have said “wow, it’s better than what I thought”, so I’m still fighting to prove myself. I feel that the hardest hurdle is to keep on knocking down those doors to prove myself.

Coat – Marques Almeida
Tights – Wolford
Is it difficult to not chase the fast pace of the modern music industry?
I think if I hadn’t gone away for several years and had a family, I think my career would be very different today because I think you are expected just to keep on going. It’s a bit of a dog-eat-dog world in the music industry and obviously, over a 15-year period, lots of people jumped in.
I needed to take that time away and even though I think my career would’ve been very different now, I wouldn’t change anything because I grew as a person. I honed in on what I wanted to do. I’m strong-minded and I feel that people like Kylie and a whole host of women out there are still charging forward with really successful great careers and not everybody has to be 22 years old to have a successful music career anymore.

Tights – Wolford
When you’re busy with all your projects, do you have time to take it all in or can it pass by in a blur?
That’s a good thing about social media because it definitely goes through as a bit of a blur when you are on stage. I think with social media, everyone is always filming everything and it helps capture all of those memories and you can really live through them again.

What was the last song that made you cry?
I cry to music all the time. When I’m even watching The Voice on a Saturday when someone sings beautifully and you can tell it means so much to them. The last song that made me cry and always touches a little nerve is Beyonce’s ‘Listen’ from DreamGirls.

Jacket – Isabel Marant
What’s one question you wish journalists would stop asking you?
I just want to focus on like my life moving forward. I wish that I could just be allowed to move on and talk about all the great things I’m doing and look ahead rather than having to always talk about the past.

Jacket – Isabel Marant
Shoes – Balenciaga
What is your FAULT?
I’m an over-thinker. I go into a massive hole and overthink everything. I’m a real over-thinker, I really overthink everything and work myself into a disaster.