Jenna Ortega Exclusive Covershoot and Interview
Jenna Ortega X FAULT Magazine

Crown: Keren Wolf | Necklace: Dalmata | Rings: Aziza Handcrafted | Jacket: Wiederhoeft | Corset top: Death By Dolls | Denim: Death by Dolls
Photographer: Irvin Rivera
Creative Direction/Wardrobe: Enrique Melendez
Celebrity Make Up Artist: Sir John
Hair Stylist: Cesar Ramirez using @thewildform
Hair Styling Assistant: John Lunsford
Wardrobe assistant: Michelle Thomas
Graphic designer :
Location: Rag Doll Pink Palace
Despite her young age, actress Jenna Ortega has already built up a strong portfolio of work. Whether you first saw her in action in many of her pre-teen focussed television projects of Netflix’s runaway hit YOU, it’s undeniable that Jenna has a very bright future ahead of her. Jenna is currently filming Scream 5 starring opposite recent FAULT cover star Jack Quaid.
2020 will be Jenna’s first time voting in a US presidential election, and with so much more to talk about, we caught up with the burgeoning starlet to discuss her journey so far, diversity in Hollywood and of course, her FAULTs.

Your currently filming Scream 5, what’s been the toughest aspect of this acting role?
Jenna Ortega: With this role I just want to do the franchise justice. It has left such a massive impact on the genre and means so much to a such a large quantity of people, I want this character to be someone they can embrace and accept into their community. All while of course paying respects to the immaculate world that the great Wes Craven and original cast have already created. There’s a lot of pressure entering Woodsboro, but if anything that’s the way it should be. I just want to do it right.
Is horror a genre you always wanted to explore?
Jenna Ortega: Yea! One of the first questions my agent asked when I signed with her was what genre I was interested in.. I told her all of them!!! But that horror would be a really fun one. I’ve been so fortunate to be welcomed onto projects recently that fulfill that desire. It’s so scarce that you find a career that you love so early on in life, and right now I truly love what I do.

What do you think will surprise people most about this instalment?
Jenna Ortega: I think there’s a lot of surprising aspects to this installment, maybe the surplus of new characters? I’m too afraid to say anything revealing, so I’ve been trying to keep a tight lip.

What’s been the most interesting reaction to the series you’ve seen?
Jenna Ortega: That the most bothersome part of all of the second season for some folks was the “I wolf you” exchange. Hilarious. Also completely understandable.

There’s increased pressure on female actresses especially Latinx actresses to be typecast as they transition into mature roles, as you’re at that point in your career now, is this something you consider when looking at roles?
Jenna Ortega: 100%. The last thing I want to do is be pigeonholed as an actress or be disrespectful to my heritage.

This will be your first year voting, what’s it like to enter this phase on such an important election year?
Jenna Ortega: It’s exciting yet nerve-wracking. I’ve been looking forward to voting since I was 6 years old, but to finally be here during a time where America seems so divided is quite scary. But I realize how important every vote is and I’m glad that I can vote during a time where my generation can see how evident that is. Not to say it hasn’t always mattered, but I think it’s safe to say that this year it’s especially crucial.

What’s something new you’ve learned about yourself during the lockdown?
Jenna Ortega: How much I enjoy spending time alone.

What’s been the hardest hurdle you’ve had to overcome?
Jenna Ortega: Accepting the fact that it’s ok to not have everything figured out and to be unsure of who you are. I can be very impatient, and often times I’m impatient with myself.

What’s something no journalist has ever asked you but is something you’ve always wanted to say or discuss?
Jenna Ortega: I don’t know that it would ever be relevant in a typical interview as a conversation piece, but if anything it’s something I want to get off of my chest. I want everyone to know how criminally underrated Creed Bratton is in The Office. Quite literally the best character in my opinion. Just pay more attention to him. He never misses.

What is your FAULT?
Jenna Ortega: Overthinking. I overthink every aspect of my life, and I’ve found that it has at times prevented me or withheld me from some pretty beautiful opportunities. It hinders my relationship with myself and sometimes with others. It kind of digresses into a pessimistic outlook on life which can be onerous to manage.