Premiere: TZAR Debuts A Kitschy Music Video For Her New Single “Fuccboi Anthem”

Russian born, bay-area bred singer/songwriter TZAR celebrates International Women’s Day with a playful music video for her latest single “Fuccboi Anthem”. Directed/shot by Jonathan Joiner and with visuals from Deanna Hjerling, the music video follows a cheesy, made-for-TV infomercial selling Fuccboi Repellent, and uses Ken Dolls to describe different types of fuccboi’s women encounter in the modern-day dating scene. Whether that’s the ‘Hypebeast Fuccboi’ sliding into your dm’s at 2am or the ‘Athletic Fuccboi’ blowing up your TikTok feed, it seems the Fuccboi Repellent cans – along with a little self-confidence boost from TZAR – are the only real solutions for getting rid of that fuccboi for good.
Inspired by MTV’s iconic reality-television series “Next”, TZAR mentions the idea came about when watching reruns of the show with her girlfriends, where she,
“…couldn’t help but feel like even today, the same types of dudes exist – it’s almost like it was a foreshadowing of a character profile for each guy you see on Tinder. Next thing you know, I’m on set of this video making a cheesy infomercial for Fuccboi Repellent with Ken Dolls who were all perfect embodiments of modern day fuccbois.
“All jokes aside though, to me the video and the song aren’t really about the fuccbois themselves, but about the ability to realize who & what we allow around ourselves and making sure to get rid of harmful people in our lives.”
Filled with fun, kitschy moments and neon-retro aesthetics, TZAR’s “Fuccboi Anthem” music video is a joy from start to finish, and we’re delighted to premiere it right here on FAULT Online:
Make sure you grab some Fuccboi Repellent before it sells out and visit for a sweet surprise…
Video Credits
Director: Jonathan Joiner
Creative Direction: TZAR
VFX: Deanna Hjerling
Production: Greg Gerschenson
Makeup: Renee Batres
Hair: Jasmine Lazzarino