FAULT Magazine in Conversation With Amos

Photography: Jack Alexander
It takes courage to audition for The Voice as a rapper and with an original song but Amos proved he was up for the challenge. Now in 2021, Amos is channelling his talents on the stage into a successful music career. His thought-provoking single ‘Letter To Boris’ showed the world exactly the artist Amos aspires to be and gave a little taste of what’s to expect from his upcoming EP. We caught up with Amos to discuss his musical journey, his process and of course, his FAULTs.
We don’t often see performers like you on shows such as The Voice, what made you pick that avenue?
I felt like going on The Voice as an urban rapper would be different for a lot of people and it gave me the opportunity to show what I can do, especially because of the way people view drill, I wanted to give them a diverse thought to it.
Do you feel the show gave you the experience you needed for your future career?
It definitely gave me a push and helped me improve things needed as an artist, such as stage presence, confidence, and showed me a whole different side to the music industry which was good for me as I’m young
Historically, the British public that watches shows like The Voice hasn’t been the most receptive to drill/ Hip-hop or rap of any kind – do you feel this hurt your chances of advancing further into the competition?
In a way, some could say it gave me a bit of a disadvantage, as me doing drill on ITV isn’t 100% appealing to the mainstream but there’s always people in the audience watching who like drill so it being a disadvantage to me in the show doesn’t always mean it would be a disadvantage for me to the public

Letter To Boris is painfully honest and expertly written track, can you tell us about what you were feeling when you penned it?
With ‘Letter to Boris’ I felt like some things had to be addressed and I felt like the topics I spoke about on ‘Letter To Boris’ are hidden to the uk such as racism, especially with what happened to George Floyd. People in the UK needed to realise the UK aren’t innocent.
The injustices shown online this year has been especially difficult for developing black minds, are you putting in measures to protect your mental health through it all, and if so what are they?
I always try keep the consistent mindset that we all should be equal and hope for change in the future but as for now, us black people need to keep going and continue moving forward, those who disagree are the ones who are the problem.

Being so young and talented there are a lot of eyes on you, do you feel a lot of pressure to succeed and live up to the hype?
Yes, sometimes there can be pressure but people need to remember why they are doing it in the first place and enjoy what they do ’cause taking what you love doing too seriously could lead to problems and could overtake your love for it
How has does your upbringing influence your music?
I was brought up around people who do music so the influence was always there. My brothers and cousins rap so maybe that’s part of where my love for music came from.
What’s something new you’ve learned about yourself this year?
One thing I’ve learnt about my self this year is that no matter how big this music goes, I will always love the sound and art of music. I’ve also learnt the difficulty of balancing school with music loool.
What are you working on right now?
Right now I’m working on my EP that’s coming out soon. I’ve been going studio a lot, putting in work in school too and have a couple of tracks soon to come – watch out for them !
What is your FAULT?
I’ve came to the conclusion and realised that I laugh to much which some people find weird but who cares that’s who I am.