Falana in conversation with FAULT Magazine

While the musician Falana has roots in both Nigeria and Canada, her sound transcends simple land borders. Having travelled the globe perfecting her craft, her music oozes with the rich sounds of the Caribbean, South America, Europe and West Africa. Her recent single Joy is a perfect example of her fine artistry, and we caught up with Falana to discuss her process, her sound and, of course, her FAULTs.
You travelled around a lot while creating your upcoming project; how did that experience help develop your sound?
Falana: Sometimes as artists, we don’t even know what we are looking for and need to put ourselves in a room with people who hear and think differently to discover something new. Looking back, it felt like I was connecting the dots of my different influences and trying to create something contemporary but still very much me. I was working with producers and songwriters who thrive in the dancehall, pop, afrobeat worlds while bringing my own unique flavour. It all felt very organic.
Have you seen a change in the way you create since moving to Lagos?
Falana: Every city has its own rhythm. I think living in Lagos definitely changes the way I create, even simply because my conversations and day to day are so different from any other city I have lived in. So the stories I can tell, the way I write will evolve naturally. And of course, recording and collaborating in Lagos will sound completely different than collaborating in Havana, for example.

You’ve spent a lot of your life travelling and experiencing the world, is there a link between your life experience and the way your music transcends genres?
Falana: Definitely, and I think I only just connected the dots for myself recently. I always felt like a bit of an outsider, like I didn’t fit neatly anywhere musically and even personally. Growing up listening to pop, RnB, Afrobeat, Yoruba Gospel, Dancehall, and soul, I still felt this pull to travel and explore and search for my sound. The journey feels worth it now that I have come into my own as an artist. It was almost like a eureka moment for me, the day I realized that my life experiences (feeling connected to so many different places) has come full circle and really reflects the kind of music I am making now!
What’s been the most challenging aspect of your musical journey so far?
Falana: I think living as an artist, there is a lot of anxiety around success and sustainability and being true to the artist you want to be. I think the most challenging part has been learning to just enjoy the journey and trust that I am doing what I am meant to be doing with my life.
Has the duality of growing up in Canada while having Nigerian parents impacted your creative journey?
Falana: From when I was born, I have been from two places; Deeply connected and influenced by those places. So there is always this yearning and searching I think that has pushed me to constantly explore, and that is what has really impacted my creative journey. As an artist, I am always looking outside myself and outside what feels familiar.
Sonically, I grew up listening to a very specific kind of music that helped my parents stay connected to home, but I was also listening to such a mash-up of other sounds. So when I was exploring my own sound, it never felt straight forward.

When you look back on your journey, what do you want your music to say about you, the person?
Falana: I want my music to say I was honest, real, and unapologetic. Hopefully ground-breaking, and someone who didn’t follow the pack.
What are you working on right now?
Falana: I am working on a debut album, and I am really excited because every song I write solidifies for me my sound and my direction as an artist. I am experimenting a lot and loving the process. I can’t wait to finally release it.
What is your FAULT?
Falana: Impatience. I am a get-up and go, jump into action first, doer type. I am learning how to just chill and wait and watch. It’s hard to find the balance, but it’s an important lesson to learn that you can’t force things, that sometimes you need to just be patient and flow.