Avenue Beat’s got something to say so sit down. The pop three-piece comprised of Sami Bearden, Savana Santos and Sam Backoff recently shared their feminist anthem “WOMAN,” a sultry track seeped in body positivity and freedom. The release follows their astronomical hit from last year titled “F2020,” which topped The New York Times’ Best Songs of the Year list. In short, Avenue Beat is unstoppable and ready to have another monumental year.
“We kinda said all there was to be said about last year,” says Santos, who’s vocal sets the champagne buzz feeling on “WOMAN.” “Why more negative? Why not lean into something a lot more sexy, beautiful and awesome like women’s bodies, their vibe, their soul. Let’s start 2021 with something positive, something that feels good!”
“There’s so much body shaming, labelling, judging,” offers Bearden. “Truth is your best friends are your girls… the people who’re there no matter what happens are your girls… when you wanna dig into whatever, something fun, something tragic, ultimately, it’s your girls.”
“Plus, when Savana gets started, there’s no stopping her. She just hits a groove or a notion and keeps going,” Backoff marvels. Then she adds, “Plus, mouth trumpet!”
Once again, taking matters into their own hands, Avenue Beat has helmed their own production, created their own arrangements and set their own course. We’ll be watching.
We asked Avenue Beat to put together a playlist of songs they’re currently loving. Take a dive in.
Sam and Sami’s Picks:
Miley Cyrus – “High“
This song literally makes me ascend into another universe. It’s so beautifully written. It’s insane. I’m so jealous I wish I had written it. I wanna just play it on a loop and lay in the middle of my living room floor and cry. (I may or may not have actually done that lol)
Sasha Sloan – “Hypochondriac”
I immediately related to this song because I am in fact such a hypochondriac lol. But I’m so obsessed with Sasha as a writer and as a friend and I just can’t understand how one person can be so talented. Her voice just kind of takes you somewhere and the lyric is so insane. How her brain thinks of these things blows my damn mind. (Sorry Sasha I’m gushing I’m obsessed with youuuu) That hook?!!! “If I die I’ll never get you back, you make me a hypochondriac” It’s like the perfect way to write a 2020 love song ahahah
SZA – “Good Days“
This song is such a VIBEEEEE. If I’m ever in a car with somebody and I am in control of the music and I don’t know what kind of music shit they’re into, I KNOW I can play this song because who doesn’t vibe with SZA??? This song makes me feel like a sensitive bad bitch and I love it.
Ariana Grande, Doja Cat, Megan Thee Stallion – “34+35 REMIX”
These three women on this song? BYEEEE Ariana is my queen and this song has always made me feel like a sexy assss bad bashhhh but with Doja Cat and Meg the Stallion it just takes it to a whole other level. This is my getting dressed up and doing my makeup song. I be singing into my hairbrush in my mirror to this song.
Jessia – “I’m Not Pretty”
I literally love this song. Jessia is such an icon. This song preaches self-love in a way that is so fun and inclusive and it’s just a FREAKIN BOPPPP!!! BOP CITY !!!! I listened to this song probably 87 times on loop after I heard it for the first time. Like??? Preach queen!!!
Taylor Swift – “Happiness“
I don’t even know what to say about this song. The chorus lyric just hit me like a train. I listened to this whole album for like two weeks straight after it came out. But this song really moved me. Like “there’ll be happiness after you, but there was happiness because of you, both of these things can be true there is happiness in our history” ARE YOU KIDDING I DONT HAVE TO SAY ANYTHING ELSE THAT LYRIC LITERALLY SAYS EVERYTHING! TAYLOR SWIFT IS A GENIUS AND IM OBSESSED AND IM CRYING AND I LOVE IT.
Kacey Musgraves – “Oh what a world“
This song is timeless. a literal classic. Kacey will forever be our songwriting icon. And our hearts will be hers forever and ever until the day we die.
Kehlani – “Honey“
I love this song because it makes me so happy immediately when it comes on. The melodies are the most fun in the whole world to harmonize to lolz. But like Kehlani just made this GORGEOUS song about her girl and just was like ?????????? I’m so obsessed with it. It’s so beautiful. Also, I love that she calls herself a heartbreak vet – YES UGH I LOVE IT. ima vibe to this song the rest of the day byeeeee
Demi Lovato – “I love me“
This song. DEMI. coming for us with the self love !!!! verse lyrics be sooo relatable. and it’s so damn catchy and the music video WAS SO GOOOOOD. It makes me wanna strut around my apartment in my sunglasses and throw shade at the haterz ahahah lol I love u demi!!!! forever our queeeeen!!!!!
Caylee Hammack – “Just friends“
This song is SO GOOD ! Caylee is literally such an incredible entertainer. Like she deliversssss with vocals every damn time and rocks out like the literal STAR that she is. The world better recognize !!!!!!! I’m so obsessed with her. This song is a bop everybody go listen immediately.
Lake Street Drive – “Good Kisser“
This is just a feel good song. This is like…the song I put on when everybody wants to scream sing the chorus in the car on a long road trip!!!! The vocals, the self-confidence, the VIBE !!!! love love love
Sabrina Carpenter – “Skin“
This is my favourite song right now hahaha
I’ve always been obsessed with Sabrina but this chorus gives me throwback Ariana vibes and I’m LIVINGGGGGG FOR IT!!!! also “you can try to get under my skin while he’s on mine” OKAY GO OFF!! CLAP BACK BABY!! GO OFF !! I love her. The melodies !!!! I’m listening to it right now. Be my friend Sabrina ??? K thanks ?
Savana’s Picks:
Fleetwood Mac – “Silver Springs”
“Time cast a spell on you, but you won’t forget me. I know I could have loved you but you would not let me” like, are you kidding me with that line ????????? one of my favs of all time.
HOPE TALA – “All My Girls Like To Fight”
I randomly came across this girl a couple months ago, I think I randomly clicked the music video to this on YouTube, and I was like :O just blown away by the artistry.
Mitski – “Nobody”
This song is the epitome of “sad bop” lolol.
Manchester Orchestra – “The Gold (Phoebe Bridgers Version)“
I stan Phoebe Bridgers TOO hard, and this is my fav cover song that she’s done.
Regina Spektor – “Grand Hotel”
I think I got a lot of the way I write from when I listened to Regina religiously in high school, I love that her songs fucking SAY SOMETHING.