Gabby Barrett joins FAULT Magazine for a cover shoot and interview

Not all musicians can transform their early television appearances into successful musical careers, but Gabby Barrett has found the magic formula for doing so. Aside from her astronomical vocal prowess and range beyond measure, one of the most significant aspects of Gabby’s musical journey is her honesty and willingness to share her story through her songwriting. Gabby’s debut single Goldmine which included her runaway hit ‘I Hope’ while a country music album at heart, it could easily be enjoyed by fans of different genres.
We caught up with Gabby to discuss her musical journey so far, her upcoming bundle of joy and as always, her FAULTs.
This week Kane Brown said you remind him of a young Carrie Underwood and it’s not the first time you’ve been compared to huge country stars. Do the high expectations to succeed ever make you nervous?
Gabby Barrett: It’s mind-boggling to me that I get compared to people like Carrie, and I’m always so flattered – she is someone I look up to in a lot of ways. I wouldn’t say I get nervous about it, I’m just honoured to be thought of in the same category/group as people like her, and hopeful that I can continue to stick around them!
American Idol is a very high-pressure experience, did you feel well prepared for the real industry upon leaving?
Gabby Barrett: I did feel prepared for the “real” industry after leaving American Idol. Performing for 6 years before Idol and experiencing the trial and error though that helped me to know what to expect in many ways. It is a LOT of hard work and persistence.

Have you written any music inspired by your journey into parenthood?
Gabby Barrett: I haven’t yet! I think once my daughter is here it will probably be a constant source of inspiration, but I haven’t written too much with COVID precautions while I’ve been pregnant!
If you could duet with an artist from a different genre of music, who would it be?
Gabby Barrett: I enjoyed doing a duet with Charlie Puth on “I Hope” and performing it together was awesome, but I’d say if I got the chance to duet with someone else from a different genre of music I would pick Steven Tyler.
What’s been the hardest hurdle you’ve had to climb so far?
Gabby Barrett: The hardest hurdle I’ve had to climb so far – that’s tough! I’ve been working towards this since I was nine years old, so everything from bullies/teachers in school who didn’t believe in me and doubted my goals, to all of the sacrifices my family made to help get me here. It’s been a journey, and I’m grateful for all of it at the end of the day.
If you could go back to the early days of your career and leave yourself one piece of advice, what would it be?
Gabby Barrett: To just stay the course and trust the Lord’s timing with everything. He will guide your life the way it is meant to go, so take comfort in that. I would also tell myself to have patience!

What’s something new you learned about yourself while in quarantine?
Gabby Barrett: I learned a lot about slowing down and being present. I’ve been on the grind, non-stop, for years, so to have this much time off the road and downtime with the people I love most has taught me a lot about the gift of taking a break and stepping back for a minute. I’m extremely grateful for this year, despite how unpredictable it has been.
What exciting projects are you working on right now?
Gabby Barrett: I’m mostly working on preparing for my daughter’s arrival! But, after she’s here and mom life has really set in, we’ve already been back writing some new songs, and the plan is to tour hopefully. Keep your eyes peeled for some more fun stuff next year!
What is your FAULT?
Gabby Barrett: I think my fault is Romans 3:23 (For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.)