Alexxis Lemire Discusses The Half Of It in exclusive FAULT Magazine Photoshoot and Interview
FAULT Magazine x Alexxis Lemire

If 2020 has been good for anything, it’s the string of great Netflix movies and enough time in the home to enjoy them. This is undoubtedly the case for Netflix’s newly released series entitled ‘The Half Of It’. The movie is an intelligently crafted and superbly acted coming of age story which warm-heartedly explores sexuality in ways often missed by other teen romance movies.
We caught up with actress Alexxis Lemire who portrays Aster Flores to discuss the role, her career and of course, her FAULTs.

Pant: Bequartii
What was the most challenging aspect of the role of Aster Flores in ‘The Half of It and how did you overcome the challenge?
Alexxis Lemire: I think the most challenging part for me was the fact that Aster internalized a lot before she spoke. Though I am like Aster in many ways, I think I tend to speak my thoughts much quicker than Aster would. I definitely always had to keep in mind that Aster takes more time to process and think before she speaks.
When you receive a script for any project, what’s something you look out for to know the role is perfect for you?
Alexxis Lemire: Honestly, The Half of It and the role of Aster was the first time I had ever felt a character was undeniably perfect for me. I’d never felt so excited about leaving an audition or reading a “character breakdown” before. I knew after reading Aster’s “breakdown” and reading the script that I needed to book this film.
Overall of your projects, what would you say has been the hardest scene to ever film emotionally?
Alexxis Lemire: Oof, that’s a tough question. You know, in the movie I did, Truth or Dare, after filming, I felt emotionally drained. I had long nights of shooting and crying and just sitting with my emotions. The constant level of fear, anger and sadness I had to keep at bay was a lot to handle day after day of shooting.

What’s been the best advice you’ve ever received during your career?
Alexxis Lemire: The best advice actually came from the Director of The Half of It, Alice Wu. Leah and I were shooting a scene together and Alice pulled us aside just to remind us that these moments are fleeting and to live them out as honestly and openly as we could. She said something along the lines of “This is the first and last time you’re ever going to shoot this scene. Sit in that.” It truly moved me when she said that and it reminded me that being as present as you possibly can lead to better memories AND a more open-minded attitude during the scene.
What’s something new you learned about yourself during lockdown?
Alexxis Lemire: I learned that I missed reading and taking time to slow down and not always be looking at a screen. Taking a step back and going back to your roots is totally necessary sometimes.

Pants: Ports
Jacket: The Bohemian Society
Shoes: Loriblu
Like all jobs, there are good days and bad days, what’s one thing that helps you stay motivated when bad days occur on set or in life?
Alexxis Lemire: Well, especially now, I just remind myself about how grateful I am to have my health, my family’s health and what a privilege it is to be doing what I love as my job.
What are you most looking forward to for the rest of 2020?
Alexxis Lemire: I’m most looking forward to the healing of our country and the world. I hope everyone continues to take precautions and wear masks to keep each other safe.

Pants: Ports
Jacket: The Bohemian Society
Shoes: Loriblu
What is your FAULT?
Alexxis Lemire: That I love The Office too much and can quote WAY too many lines. It’s a problem. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.