FAULT Magazine Interview and Photoshoot with Outer Banks star Rudy Pankow
Photography: Kelly Balch
Current times might be strange but there’s still much to be thankful for and one of those things is the quality entertainment being provided by streaming services. One show that should definitely be on your binge list is Netflix’s Outerbanks. The adventurous teen drama created by Shannon Burke, Josh and Jonas Pate is a thrilling adventure full of crime, money, friendship and treasure, blended together in one thrill of a ride.
We caught up with Outer Banks star Rudy Pankow who plays the role of JJ to find out more about the role, his journey and of course, his FAULTs.
As this is your first role as a regular part, tell us about the moment you received the call telling you you had the part.
Rudy Pankow: There was no call. I actually flew out to Charleston and had to do 3 more auditions and then on the last one when I finished and exited the room and Jonas(show creator) followed me outside and whispered as I walked down the hallway to use the restroom. “You got the part.”
You and the cast have great chemistry on the show, what would you say was the most fun scene to film? I would have to say, out of the hundreds, the Mid Summers scene. With two hundred plus extras, and the Pogues and Kooks, it was a super fun and complicated scene.

T-shirt: Rudy’s Own
What was the hardest scene to film?
Rudy Pankow: Emotionally it was any scene with my dad. But physically and time-consuming it would be whenever we were on boats. Just because there are so many moving parts. Whether it’s other boats, safety boats, second camera or pedestrians that get in the shot.
What would you say was the hardest hurdle you had to climb to take your career to the next level?
Rudy Pankow: The audition process. Gaining confidence and knowing if you do the work it will happen.
If you could play any role, even if it’s already been done before, who would you play?
Rudy Pankow: So many… but right now, in this period of my life, Spider-Man or Peter Pan.

Glasses: Rudy’s Own
What’s been the best advice you’ve ever received?
Rudy Pankow: Run your race-blind but hold hands with those who you feel like are going to take you far together.
What’s something no one knows about you?
Rudy Pankow: My very first passion was being an astronaut.
What is your FAULT?
Rudy Pankow: I will always feel like I could’ve done better.