Rare photos of Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso @ Zebra One Gallery, London
These fantastic, never-before-seen images of legendary artists Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali are currently being exhibited at the Zebra One Gallery in Hampstead, London. The shots, on display until the end of September ’17, give a rare, intimate glimpse into the lives of two of the 20th century’s most influential artists.
Commenting on the shots, the gallery shared the thought that, “Throughout Salvador Dali’s career, a question that reoccurred time and time again was whether he would cut his iconic moustache – a point that is addressed in many of these shots, with him at the mirror with a razor and holding a sword against his moustache.”
Whether he actually cut it or not is still up for debate…

Visit www.zebraonegallery.com for more information.