FAULT Magazine Reviews Xander Zhou LFWM AW/17
With the accompaniment of an almost psychotic soundtrack, to which models staggered disjointedly at an astonishing pace (zombies on speed!) , designer Xander Zhou presented his most mature collection yet. I do not mean by ‘mature’, that Zhou has lost any of the sartorial anarchy that we have come to expect and applaud him for; but the collections ‘Grown Up’ title was apt.
Picture the madness of A Clockwork Orange, but reinterpreted stylistically for the world of Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner, and you’ll get the gist. Zhou’s collection was a revenge of the nerds, in which the nerds have become techno-cyber punks who rule the World: they flaunt severely silhouetted tailoring (classics with subversive twists), scene-stealing outerwear; silver trench coats; vampire friendly leathers; shearlings with exaggerating proportions.. even an electric blue boiler suit. This was their armour; as they assumed their ultimate forms.
Words: Ian Michael Turner