FAULT Focus: artist Giulio Iurissevich
“Generally speaking, I think that working without excessive calculation, when you can work with ease and freedom, gives you some creative breathing space. That way, you can work with your own instincts rather than under the pressure of rigorous guidelines. That is what I did with this piece, even though it was a special commission.
Being fearless, I feel, is the best way to reach a true result – both for your own integrity and also for commissioned work, when you have to play the game a bit, when other people are looking over your shoulder.
A lot of my best works are always a perfect accident: authentic, spontaneous, uncontrollable. This, for me, is true inspiration.” – Giulio Iurissevich on ‘The Queen’ (gif version below), a special commission for FAULT Spring 2013

FAULT: Tell us how you became interested in drawing and illustration.
Giulio: I don’t know, I was born with interest..I love creating images, I was born with this attitude, this memory
Do you practise or take inspiration from any other creative disciplines?
I love music, I was also a mediocre musician, but the music takes me, everything I do I do it along with the music, listening to me

What kinds of messages do you try to convey with your work?
Nothing..are just images, are me

Do you think there is a clear distinction between passion and technique? If so, which is more important, and why?
I am not a technician, I do not feel like that,yes to express themselves in a certain field the technique is important, anyway .. sometimes the technique is an aesthetic exercise of complacency at times, without heart .. but what you get is always the ‘energy of the heart, the engine of passion
Who has been the greatest influence on your work – personally and artistically?
I really don’t know, I love street art also and I think that also influenced my work, but my life has changed reading a graphic story of Daniel Zezelj , he’s really one of the best artist I know-http://www.dzezelj.com/

Have you had formal training or are you completely self-taught?
self taught
Do you have a favourite piece of your own work?

What would you say has been the biggest achievement in your career?
Being myself,accepting me and my story
What materials do you like to use and how do you feel these contribute to your unique style?
I work with ink and pen on paper and collage and photoshop with tablet
Are the characters in your images based on real identities or do you create them in your imagination?
depends, when I’m commissioned they come out from the brief of the client, when not I don’t know..they come along with it, I do, but I’m not there, it seems crazy but I find myself with the image made
Can you tell us some of your short and long-term aspirations?
knowing me everyday better, loving all days of my life
What is your FAULT?
My crime was to have thought that it necessary to please others trying to be what I’m not
See more of Giulio Iurissevich’s work via The Art Collector
Limited editions of Michael’s work are available to purchase. He is also available for specially commissioned projects. Contact the Art Collector for more information.
Interview by Joelle Thurston