FAULT Issue 12 Beauty cover Shay Mitchell stars in Pretty Little Liars with Issue 10 cover star Adam Lambert!
Tonight’s Halloween episode of Pretty Little Liars will see our current Issue 12 Beauty cover star Shay Mitchell share the screen with the brilliant Adam Lambert, who, of course, featured on the cover of our Spring issue earlier this year. The ridiculously talented singer is set to perform two songs from his new album during the episode ‘This is a Dark Ride’, which airs tonight at 8pm ET on ABC Family.

Those of us in the UK will have to wait until the episode, the 13th instalment of Season 3, airs on MTV UK or VIVA – not particularly helpful considering MTV UK is still showing Series 2!
In the meantime, those waiting for the episode can console themselves with a look back at Adam’s feature in Issue 10 (and another cameo appearance on the pages of our Issue 12 NYFW round-up after he sat at the front row of some shows with our US Style Editor Avo Yermagyan) and another peek inside Issue 12 for a closer look at Shay’s feature:

FAULT: Where did the passion for performing come from at such an early age?
Shay: My second cousin was the singer in the family. When I was little I would watch her and be like, ‘oh, that’s so cool.’ So whenever a family member would have a wedding or a big occasion like that, I would perform; singing, dancing, or whatever. I always wanted to perform, but I didn’t have an interest for acting back then, and I didn’t really feel like singing or dancing was the career that I wanted. However, when I was 18, I thought, ‘you know, I’m going to take a couple of acting classes,’ and even if it wasn’t the path that I choose to go down, as I don’t know whether I will love it or hate it, I want to try it. Then I went to my first acting class and I loved it.
How did the part in Pretty Little Liars come around?
When I got an agent, when I was still living in Canada, she asked me, ‘what is the career you want?’ I said I’d love to do these types of cinematic, serial shows, and they were predominantly filming in the US. So, this manager she worked with in the US, got me to film my auditions, cause of course I couldn’t fly down to LA every time I had an audition, so I would just film myself and then send it over on the internet. So he sent me multiple scripts, I would send multiple tapes, and then never hear back. Never heard back.
Then he told me about this one pilot called Pretty Little Liars. So I went in the next day to my agency to have a tape made, and it was actually one of the first audition tapes that I didn’t get professionally done because I just ran out of money. I got someone from reception to read with me and they filmed it. I sent it in and I didn’t really think much about it because at that point I was tired of auditioning and never hearing anything back. About 3 days later, the manager called me and told me that they want to see me, ‘can you fly down to LA? They’ll send you a flight.’ then a day after auditioning I got a call in my hotel room saying, ‘YOU LANDED THE PART!!’ I was over the moon! I screamed bloody murder. I don’t know what anyone else thought was going on in my hotel room.

As you said, you play a homosexual character on the show. How have you found public reaction to that?
It’s very flattering when I hear that there are certain people that look up to me, but I honestly don’t strive to be a role model. I can only be the best version of myself and that’s all that I’m trying to do. I believe that your sexual orientation does not define who you are, and if people think that that’s something that’s noteworthy and something to look up to then that’s great. I’m so lucky to have been brought up in a family home where skin colour, religion, all of it didn’t matter. What mattered was how that person treated you and treated others. So I didn’t have to think twice about playing this role or worrying what people are going to think. I don’t care what people think.
Who is A?
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Also, check out this previously unseen out-take from the shoot!
Fans of Adam Lambert – keep an eye on FAULT Online for more from Adam at NYFW. Images coming later this week…