Grahamification: Kat Graham in FAULT Issue 11

We’ve all heard the Hollywood tale where the actress becomes famous and then decides she wants to become a pop star (and vice versa) about a million times. However, unlike those yawn fests, this story is not about reinvention. This is about a highly driven talent who is finally finding her footing doing what she does best.
“I was 13 when I started getting into dancing”, says Graham. “So, at 14, I auditioned to get into an agency to be a backup dancer.” Still in her mid-teens, the Switzerland-born, L.A.-raised beauty began working with one of hip-hop’s most coveted names: It was sitting on the sidelines of’s studio
space where Graham started sponging up her own musical aesthetic, eventually leading her to push her own career into gear.
Having built a relationship with the esteemed producer, Graham’s vocals were then featured on two of his songs, which was followed by an invitation to join The Black Eyed Peas on tour. “He asked me literally via text message, and I was immediately just like, ‘Sure! I’ll do it’”, says Graham. “That’s just the kind of person I am.”
Interview and text by Rachel Eleanor Sutton
FAULT Issue 11 – the Underground Issue – is out now. Print copies can be purchased here and digital copies from here.
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