FAULT Faux: Zombie Girl makes her mark

Yesterday saw the apex (so far) of FAULT Fashion Editor Millie Horton‘s metoric rise to fame and fortune. Well, possibly not so much fortune. Okay, not much fame either… but she is well known in certain circles for her propensity for lurking around dark basements in Mayfair or Soho. Urban legends have it that this is where Horton acquired her distinctly pale and somewhat insalubrious skin tone. Others say that it is her borderline fetishism of models that led her to the ascetic life, wrought with hardships and malnutrition (although we at FAULT all remain hopeful that Millie will leave East London soon), which subsequently resulted in her skeletal appearance. Whatever the case, Millie remains convinced that the ‘neo-goth-chic ‘look will eventually take off, with Millie herself leading the trend to the masses. For the record, Millie, we’re not so sure…
Fashion forward? Maybe. FAULT Editor? Occasionally. Meeting with Zombie Boy? Unlikely!
Happy <FAULT> birthday (#branding) to Millie ‘Got Goth, will travel’ Horton. We salute you.