FAULT INTERVIEW: Stylist Rickey Kim

FAULT had the pleasure of working with Los Angeles based Stylist Rickey Kim who dressed FAR EAST MOVEMENT for their feature in ISSUE 10. We recently caught up with Rickey to find out more about, his aesthetic, current projects and his take on the LA fashion scene.
FAULT: Rickey how are you doing?
FAULT: Can you tell us about your fashion background?
FAULT: How long have you been a stylist for?
FAULT: Who are some artists/clients that you work with?
I do consult with a variety of brands, however my main client at the moment is Far East Movement.
FAULT: What?s the best part of your job?
FAULT: How would you describe your aesthetic?
I consider fashion to be a psychological game. Hence, I enjoy keeping things very exact. My personal style somehow is always rooted to my black boots. I tend to dress around them.
FAULT: What’s the fashion scene like in LA?
Los Angeles is still very much coming of age when it comes to a fashion scene. I see hope. Maybe in a decade or so, we will see some good traction. What we champion in L.A. is this casual approach to fashion, sometime it works, a lot of times it doesn’t.
FAULT: Who are some of your favourite designers?
FAULT: Who would be your dream client?
I don’t really think about it that way. I feel that I am my own client and my aesthetic and approach crosses over to whoever I am working with.
FAULT: What are you currently working on?
FAULT: What is your FAULT?