The Poncho Evolution
Saturday 8th October 2011
|In Fashion
There was once a time when ponchos were in. They replaced the cardy, they even tried to out fight the coat. 5 year olds to 70 year olds had them, and even women aged in between were known to have at least one in their possession.
Then the poncho went out of fashion and in place, in came the cape, the tailored less blanket like remodel. It was the iphone of the coat world. Yet, despite Phoboe Philo’s camel capes, DKNY’s two tone woollen cape and Lanvin’s £1980 cape appearing everywhere, they too are about to be replaced.
Welcome the Miu Miu mini cape: The third instalment to the ‘poncho evolution theory’, this is sure to be summer’s new, angelic, feminine over garment… Although how warm it will keep you is questionable.