FAULT: Tell us about your musical background.
Stuart: Well, my listening habits tend to be focused on 60s, indie, pop, alt, rock, pop-punk/emo and so most of my influences come out of there. My main instruments are the piano and more recently the guitar. Things are generally guitar focused with me currently, that and vocal experimentation.
FAULT: Who/what initially inspired you to start making music?
Stuart: I guess the progresses of technology made me curious to try some things. I started experimenting with recording techniques and kept trying things out. I continued until I wanted to scale things up and fully explore my ideas. That curiosity coupled with my love for listening to music made me want to try. I also felt I could offer something different in today’s climate.
FAULT: How would you describe your sound?
Stuart: It’s towards the Mellow-Rock side of things. If you like your lyrical driven songwriters, that’s what I do.
FAULT: Do you have a specific writing process?
Stuart: So far things are pretty spread in terms of a process. Some songs come from the lyric or lyrics first, others start with a chord progression – others just come from sitting with the guitar and trying things. So my writing process is pretty varied, which I’m happy with.
FAULT: Are there any artists/musicians that inspire your song writing?
Stuart: There are many artists that influence you and their work can influence you in different ways. Some you see yourself as wanting to emulate others to walk in the other direction. I can be influenced by an album or just one word in a song, it all depends. Without going off on a few tangents it’s difficult to fully explain what I mean. The Beatles and Paul Simon will always be artists I’ll point to as right up there…
FAULT: What are you currently working on?
Stuart: As a songwriter you’re always working on something. Whether it’s consciously or subconsciously, but – songwriting, promotion and everything that goes with that is my focus. Concentrating on writing and developing my career.
FAULT: Who would you like to collaborate with in the future? Why?
Stuart: I have a few ideas of people I would like to collaborate with, but I think mentioning them by name may work against the possibility of those collaborations materialising, so I’m not going to name names! I’m going to work hard establishing myself as an artist, and then I’m sure other things may fall into place with regard to that type of thing. I’ll create my world and see who wants to come visit.
FAULT: Any current musical recommendations?
Stuart: I would shy away from the obsession with things having to be ‘current’. If it’s new to someone, it’s new for them. I’ll throw a few names out just so people can explore – Clem Snide, Fountains of Wayne,
FAULT: What are your plans for 2012?
Stuart: Work hard. Work smart. Stay creative.
FAULT: What is your FAULT?
Stuart: Everything and nothing.