Saunders Does Stationary

I don’t know about you but as an adult I’ve come to lovingly miss one thing about ‘going back to school’; buying new stationary. Oh yes, as a child there was nothing quite like the feeling of spending the last depressing Saturday before term by heading into town and filling my oversized rucksack with a new set of Crayola’s, a new Sharpie and a Parker pen (of course). Buying stationary gave me an organisational buzz like no other.
So when I left education I was saddened at the lack of stationary excitement I had to come to terms with (other than my annual Paperchase journal purchase which almost draws level), until today. At a time where it would seem absurd to delve into one’s bag to find a pen and some paper as another throws information at you, Jonathan Saunders has collaborated with Smythson to create a modern day stationary collection, featuring contemporary i-pad cases alongside the failsafe diary and notebook.
Sporting Saunders’ renowned prints (which have been likened to the work of William Morris, if you did not know), the collection is bold, smart, and yes, definitely stimulates my stationary geek within.