Liz Goldwyn: Hollywood Royalty
Liz: I love being in Europe and Japan, the sense of history in the architecture and the (relative) lack of outdoor advertising. In LA, billboards are everywhere, commercializing an already artificially lit sky line. I suppose I wanted to see something beautiful in the sky in place of advertisements for shampoo and car insurance. I had made a short film called ‘Underwater Ballet’ (2008) and decided to show it via the medium of electronic billboards. In collaboration with Clear Channel Communications, I showed stills from the film on 86 digital billboards in Los Angeles in April and May 2009.
In New York, the whole film played in the centre of Times Square, twice an hour, on a giant specta colour billboard in May 2009. As part of the commissioned project I did for Le Bon Marche in Paris, I made a series of films called ‘LA At Night’(2009). We shot my billboards in context. They were intercut with time-lapse shots of freeways and blown out car headlights, which were layered to create a kaleidoscopic, ‘jewelled’ effect. The images together form a meditation on the night time landscape of Los Angeles; a sky lit by artificial lights beaming from advertisements and car culture. The soundtrack contains no traffic noises at all; rather it follows a meditation, using breath, wind, a low hum, and bells. I think part of what makes Los Angeles so beautiful is the juxtaposition of the real and the unreal. I remember for years, the set from Dolly Parton’s ‘Last Little Whore House in Texas’ was still up on the Fox lot and visible from the street. It was an entire painted facade of a Western town, but behind the front there was nothing. In LA, you really have to look behind the surface of things, sometimes it is empty, but other times there are beautiful surprises.
FAULT: As an advertisement on over 86 billboards, where else do you see art being exhibited?
Liz: Everywhere! On a daily basis you can choose to dress a certain way, or sing aloud in the streets, or grow a strange plant or make art
with your food! There should be no limitation to how we see art. I am a big believer in public art. I think art is and should be for the people as a tool to educate and enlighten. Sometimes the formal gallery and museum context can alienate.
FAULT: What are you currently working on?
Liz: Too much!
FAULT: There is fluidity with your work, it seems to cross over all sorts of areas, visually as well as commercially, has that always been the case?
Liz: I would say that my work always comes from a place of research, of wanting to explore new areas whether connected to sexuality, science or the spiritual. This may express itself via the medium of film, text, jewellery, music, etc… For example, my copper nugget collection of jewellery was inspired by research for a forthcoming (historical fiction) book based on the world of prostitution
FAULT: From which creative expression do you feel most emerged in?
Liz: At the moment it is completing a new work based in prostitution. I started my research in this world concurrently to Pretty Things, and it’s been about eight years now. Without revealing too many details, it’ll be another departure for me, with both text and visual components forthcoming
FAULT: What is your FAULT?
Liz: I have so many…
Interview by Silvana Lagos