Galliano’s FAULT?

It may just be a case of rumour spreading, but when it’s one of the world’s greatest designer’s fate at stake, we can’t help but listen in too: according to sources, Galliano won’t be attending court on September 8th as his case draws to an end.
The stories began almost 7 months ago now when John Galliano was said to have verbally assaulted fellow restaurant customers. The accusations led on to further discrepancies and within a very short period of time, Christian Dior suspended Galliano as their creative director, and within a matter of weeks, confirmed his definite dismissal.
After seriously committing himself to rehab, Galliano has made public apologies and his case has been discussed by millions across the globe, although this week will draw a definite conclusion to his future, and of course, our fashion, although he himself will not be there to hear it first hand.