Dominic Clarke
Dominic Clarke is a photographer who’s work defines femininity and sensuality, his photographs scream desire and take viewers to a dreamlike world full of beauty and mystery. FAULT has become obsessed with Dominic’s work, we catch up to talk Music, Paolo Roversi and discover what he finds to be “hauntingly beautiful.”
FAULT: What is your creative background?
Dominic: It’s nothing too special. I used to make Jets and spaceships out of Lego when I was really young. I had a band when I was 16, called Verlan Page – named after a type of French slang which was silly because we sounded like one of those American bands that were big at the time. I recently finished a degree in photographic arts, which was really quite academic and conceptual, spending months on research and developing ideas based on cultural and visual theories. That’s when I realised that my work was more concerned with the visual style and contemporary cultural aesthetics within images so then I wanted to work more with fashion photography. Plus I just wanted to shoot more.
FAULT: What made you take the career path of a photographer?
Dominic: I think it all built up from curiosity to obsession; once I learnt how a camera worked I would keep trying new things and got in to this momentum of moving on to new techniques and methods. After that I realised that it’s also and primarily about what you point the camera at and how well the two work together.

FAULT: What is the best thing about being a London based artist?
Dominic: Working/playing with environments and vibes of these places with a history or quirky vintage feel to them, London has plenty of that don’t you think?
FAULT: Are you inspired by your city?
Dominic: Parts of it yes. A lot of my earlier work used urban atmosphere in a cinematic way like nighttime Wong kar wai scenes.
FAULT: How do you get the best out of your subject?
Dominic: Apart from the usual stuff like talking to them, making sure they’re comfortable, playing music etc. I try to really look and try to notice how they are whether the camera is on them or not. So many times they would just naturally look at me when I’m saying something and that looks perfect. Other times they would be looking at whatever their attention in on, shooting that is so natural and honest, but also always looks good.
FAULT: Do you have a technique?
Dominic: Yes, doesn’t every photographer, whether they like to admit or not. It doesn’t have to be about the camera though. I don’t want to get in to too much detail but since February I’ve only been shooting film, it makes everyone there look harder at what’s going on, and we talk about what works or not if there’s time. We are more in that moment and less on our phones. I like the different ways of scanning film as well; you can play around with colour and contrast before the image is digital file.
FAULT: Biggest accomplishment to date?
Dominic: I don’t think there is one big thing, but being able to do this at all, is quite special.

FAULT: Whom would you love to photograph?
Dominic: Perhaps Isa Asklof. Everything depends on the type of shoot but I can imagine Isa’s look will do well for most things that I shoot.
FAULT: Whose work do you most admire?
Dominic:The past works of Lina Scheynius and Paolo Roversi. Scheynius works with a lot of freedom with poses, it’s very natural and free. Where as there is a kind of deep stillness with Roversi, his images often pierce in to you like that Beauty image with Gemma ward which I find so hauntingly beautiful. Chris Head’s work is quite fun too and there’s also Marlene Marino.
FAULT: Whose fashion campaigns do you most admire?
Dominic: Tim Walker manages to keep a consistency of that English quirkiness whether it’s editorial or campaign. Lindsey Wixson looks great in a wheelbarrow.
FAULT: What does 2012 hold for Dominic Clarke?
Dominic: I have to take it a step at a time. Perhaps more collaborations with designer Para Manko for Silence beyond syllables. The only real big plan so far is to create an album or smaller EP kind of thing, for a new music project I’ve recently started with Henry Moore a friend I’ve known almost all my life. He’s more of a producer and our recent recording had elements of current Newy york rock bands mixed with heavy dubstep sounds. Quite risky but I’m sticking to the ‘less is more’ approach to avoid any tackyness.

FAULT: What is your FAULT?
Dominic: I have unintensionally messed with the identity of DJ/Producer Nomak by uploading a picture of a Japanese friend of mine, to go with that I stated that I was currently listening to one of Nomak’s tracks. Google picked it up, due to the amount of hits I’m guessing. Now a lot of people think my friend is Nomak, and there are arguments on message boards between the fans about what he Looks like. The worse thing is that the picture is not very flattering. Sorry Masa … and Nomak.