FAULT had the pleasure of talking exclusively to Hong Kong based artist Man-Tsun this week. Man-Tsun’s passion for illustration and design is obvious to anyone with an eye for creativity. Man-Tsun lives by the motto of “If there is no illustration and design, I will be a deadman!” Making Man-Tsun FAULTS designer of the week.
FAULT: What is you artistic background Man-Tsun? How did you become involved in graphic design?
Man-Tsun: When I was studying fine art, I didn’t really like or enjoy art and illustration as much as I do now. I was totally into Japanese Manga and I always incorporated anime characters or elements into my school projects. It just drove the professor’s nuts and I received a poor grade in the end. Becoming a Manga illustrator has always been a dream for me. However, there was no way I could make a living with manga in Hong Kong. At the time when I was very lost and had no idea how to move on with my career, I made a painful decision in shifting my goals and became a graphic designer. I was never interested in playing with simple graphic elements and typography. I didn’t enjoy graphic design at all, It was more like a text operator’s job rather than a designer’s job to me. Luckily, I found graphic work more interesting and fun when I combined my illustration skills into it and I started to love graphic design a lot since many years ago. After 5 years as a graphic designer, I realized that visualization and illustration are my assets. I decided to make the most out of my strengths and planned to expand my scope of work as an illustrator. Up until now, I am still a half illustration and half graphic guy. I wish I can focus 100% on my illustrator career one day

FAULT: What are some of the sources of inspiration behind your Illustrations?
Man-Tsun: As you can see from my works, I am very much influenced and inspired by Japanese manga. I created my own style by combining illustration skills with my passion in manga . My form of art is illustrating with a narrative which is something abstract from the dark world. And, I have an interesting habit during the creative and illustration process. When I’m stuck, I go swimming. Ideas flow into my brain. This probably means that I’m more creative during the summer than in the winter.
FAULT: You recently collaborated with iPhone Japan, how did that happen?
Man-Tsun: This is a Love Japan project organized by LAMINATE/TKYO, we donated iphone artworks to help raise money for the relief effort in Japan.
FAULT: I read your quote regarding life without art and creativity. Are you inspired by The Harry Potter novels?
Man-Tsun: This is interesting! I cannot see myself being good at anything else. I was never good at maths, I’m worse in selling things and business talks are just not my kind of thing. The only thing I have learnt about myself is when my eye meets art and creativity. I cannot make a living without illustration and design, just like how Harry Potter can’t live in a world without magic
FAULT: How has your painting style evolved/changed over the years?
Man-Tsun: Instead of creating on a single medium, I want to explore other possibilities by using different materials and incorporate them with my illustrations. It is like an installation through experimental art. For example, all the illustrations will be printed on layers of transparency in my up coming exhibition.
FAULT: What are you currently working on?
Man-Tsun: I am now preparing for my solo exhibition, and later a collaboration project with Hong Kong Stunt Team. I will also start on a comic project with a friend, as I don’t want to limit myself with single imaging and I really want to explore more possibilities through this comic project.
FAULT: In what sort of environment do you like to create your designs?
Man-Tsun: I only work with my computer and tablet, so the size of my studio is not an issue to me. But I can’t work without music, especially Japanese Rock & Roll. A dark environment is very much preferred and this is why my illustrations are so DARK.
FAULT: What artists do you admire?
Man-Tsun: Since my college years, Inoue Takehiko and Sho-u Tajima have been the gods to me. They are both Japanese manga illustrators. Their black and white inking work are just too amazing and until now my works are still very much influenced by these 2 guys.
FAULT: What is your FAULT?
Man-Tsun: This is a good question… I do have many FAULTS, but the major one is definitely my color management. As you can see, most of my works are in black and white or just colored in a simple and pale tone. The reason is that I focus mostly on lines and strokes. As a result, it leaves me no time to play around with colors, or may be I am just too lazy..

Educational Resource:
Creative people with interests in fields such as technology, web design, advertising, and illustration may find their professional calling with Graphic Design Colleges.