Manflu – Russian Prostitute No Wave
Russian Prostitute No Wave.
FAULT: How is the Man-Flu connect?
Aza: Through a series of wires, cables and some good old fashioned soldering courtesy of Skynet from the Terminator franchise.
FAULT: How long have you been together?
Aza: We first got together almost a year ago through a friend of a friend who gave some real good shit, but we’re on and off… we’re looking at perhaps getting engaged, I hate planning weddings but love planning divorces, it gives my life a purpose.
FAULT: What is your sounds like?
Aza:We really don’t aspire to sound like anyone in particular but we are hugely influenced by prog music, stuff like King Crimson and French group Magma but also love post punk stuff like Wire, Magazine, Gang Of Four, PIL etc as well as Devo, James Chance et al. Also pretty much anything Steve Albini has ever played on, Deerhoof, HEALTH…loads. This makes us sound like we are quite a guitar/drums heavy band which we are live certainly but we would like to show a more ambient side of ourselves too, something we are beginning to work on.
FAULT: Do you guys writes songs collaboratively?
Aza: Never, we have a team of genius songwriters who live in a cage. They haven’t seen sunlight in their entire life. Fingernails like Samurai swords, smell of dead insects.
FAULT: Who has been your biggest influence?
Aza: I get inspired by people’s work but I ain’t got no-one to be influenced by.
FAULT: What new music are you listening to?
Aza: I don’t listen to new bands now,so can’t think of any.
FAULT: What inspired you to make music in the first place?
Aza: Boredom.
FAULT: Who do you think is overrated?
Aza: Salem.
FAULT: Have you got a favourite quote?
Aza: Think your own thoughts (Lydia Lunch).
Source: Siausiau Love Suzuki