When we ride on our Enemies





FAULT: What’s the story behind Wolf Tapes?

As teenagers me and my friends would pass tapes back and forth and DJ and make mix tapes constantly and eventually make our own tapes with whatever we could get our hands on, like keyboards from childhood and sampling radiators and cereal boxes by banging on them. It was a form of communication. You can evoke something from a soundscape, a certain feeling or nostalgia without having to know it’s exact source of origin. That for me was a special time when there was no intention other than to have that creative space to make what you wanted absolutely. It was also about hanging out and eventually we’d have a flat with no furniture full of people and I’d throw on some weird tape which sounded more like a broken record. As long as it made sense to me and my friends it had value. It didn’t have to be danceable or poppy, in fact it was the opposite. The internet hadn’t opened up having such a wide variety so it was important to think outside of the concept of pop music or even traditional song structure. Wolf Tapes now just carries on with that DIY ethic. It’s not a traditional band or label it just exists. Everyone associated with Wolf Tapes is supportive of each other.

FAULT: What’s the creative process when writing new material?

It’s mostly experiment and simplifying ideas. I try and make sounds with just two or three elements sometimes and it’s that space in-between that I’m starting to become obsessed with. Electronic and minimalist but not danceable which is what electronic and minimalist are most associated with. But I’m not bound to any particular style.

FAULT: What is the most challenging aspect of being a musician?

I know a thousand musicians who are busking that are better than me at playing an instrument technically. I’m not musically trained and I learnt by myself and I think it shows but also that’s where a lot of it comes from. I don’t know when I’m fucking up so it stays in and it’s the part someone will like. Some of the best songs don’t make any sense musically like some James Brown and a lot of Grunge, it’s technically wrong so I don’t really worry about perfection in that sense. I cut songs off, I have distortion but I can live with it so it’s cool. I won’t like someone’s creative output more or less because the production sounds expensive or they can play Mozart. More than often it sounds like you’ve been put on hold or your stuck in a lift.

FAULT: Who does the artwork for Wolf Tapes?

I’ve done all the artwork for Wolf Tapes so far. I’ve kind of regret not going to Art School because it’s where I feel most comfortable doing illustration and working with images. Wolf Tapes is an outlet for that now though. It comes back to the need for a creative outlet and not having those options. I did do some acting and writing and making short films with people I’ve met along the way instead and had fun, so I don’t regret it in that sense. I’ve done exhibitions as well so it turned out alright I suppose but I feel the need to do more artwork for different projects and leave the music to Sky Stadium or Pirates of the Caribbean II and III or something.

FAULT: Are you inspired by music? What are you currently listening to

I have a lot of vinyl of random and foreign records. I get sent lots of stuff by other musicians which is really nice. I love the soundtracks to B-Movies and older films because they can be more affecting than tons of CGI, not that I’m not down with modern cinema or music. Matrix Metals, Blondes and Twin Shadow are getting a lot of play at the moment. I listened to Tupac, Nas and Reflection Eternal a lot when I was a teenager though constantly, but I was always open to all kinds of music.

FAULT: What does the future hold for Wolf Tapes

The intention is to keep the spirit alive and pass on that vibe with everyone. When someone makes you a tape it means something, but it’s not just about the physical cassette. So many people out there that just need a chance to show what they can do, so much talent that isn’t necessarily conventional. I just hope that people can stay inspired and find that spark to create and keep that alive in themselves.

FAULT: What is your FAULT?

I’m not the best morning person. Incredibly foul.

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