The Fly Kingdom
The Fly Kingdom is a South Florida based music group that was conceived in 2005 by Jerry Oviedo, as an outlet for his musical thoughts and self expression.
Photography Dee Delgado
FAULT: What’s the story behind The Fly Kingdom?
The Fly Kingdom is a South Florida based music group that was conceived in 2005 by me, Jerry Oviedo, as an outlet for my musical thoughts and self expression. Early in its inception, the musical act was associated with bands such as Marilyn Manson, NIN and even Boyd Rice. However after recording three CD’s, I took a different direction towards instrumental music and the Sitar. At that point I was on the verge of doing away with the whole Fly Kingdom project in order to focus on his music as a form of meditation. But that idea would soon die when a close friend of mine of well over a decade by the name of Rose Monaco, whose thoughts and suggestions had inspired songs like “Blue Roses” and “Hope (My Thornless Rose)” would give me yet another direction to go in. At that point I started charting the course for my new musical direction, with some advice from a co-worker named Carlos Avila. With all these new inspirations and ideas, I took a melody and wrote the song “Sweet Blue Thornless Rose”. It was at this point, that all my thoughts came together and an “electrified” style of music soon developed, after I had hooked up my sitar to a Cry Baby Wah Pedal, which would in turn, become his main instrument. Following the likes of Ravi Shankar, Santana, and Slash, this project would prove to become an experimental and unique form of music. I cite my style of music as “if Santana went to India”. However, currently I have done away with the wah pedal and have focused on a more natural sound
FAULT: What’s the creative process when writing new material?
I like to jam to beats and different types of styles. I am alson inpired by everyday life, movies and other artists. There really isn’t a formula to how I write music. I usually just go with what inspires me. Then I play with the idea till it has a mind of its own, at which point the song is born.
FAULT: What is the most challenging aspect of being a musician?
The promotion aspect of it. You have to think of yourself as a small business which I have come to realize, however its the aspect of it going from being a small business to it turning into an empire that baffles me. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t go out of my way to become a Rock Star. Actually if I had my wish, I would be remembered as someone that changed the face of music once I come to pass. In terms of money, so long as I have neough to pay the bills and be able to afford the necessary things I need to keep making music, i.e. instruments, recording gear ect, I would be more than fine.
FAULT: what is music scene like in Miami?
Here in Miami the music scene is not well stablished as the majority of people like what is on the radio and don’t want to listen to experimental music or even rock for that matter. Their focus is on latin music, top 40, reggaeton, and other types of club and dance music. There’s a few promoters here like Queen of the Scene that have tried to change the minset but it’s been a very slow process.
FAULT: Are you inspired by music?
What are you currently listening to? Yes, I am very inspired by music. Currently I am listening to artists such as Zelal Gokce, Alizadeh, Ravi Shankar, Anoushka Shankar, Baba Zula. Currently I’ve also started hearing Guns N Roses a lot because I’ve been involved with a very eclectic project that also includes rock and gothic/electronic styles.
FAULT: How do you prepare yourself before a live show?
That’s a funny question actually. Since I usually play small gigs, most of them involve me getting to the venue, setting up and playing. As far as the minset, I don’t need preparation, it just comes out naturally.
FAULT: What does 2011 hold for The Fly Kingdom?
I have been collaborating with many independent artists world wide including Tim Chaplin, Jonathan D Shadel, Jomo Faulks, Thomas Blodet, Rene Patrique, Dealazer, and many more. I will keep collaborating with indepent artists in the years to come. I will also release an on-line rendition of collaborations that I will not include in upcoming albums. And in March 2011 I will also release my follow up album The Awakening, which include fusions of styles, Ragas and even improvisations.
FAULT: What is your FAULT?
I think my bigest flaw as a person is not always being able to communicate how I feel about different situations. Instead I use that energy, that thought, that feeling and put it into my writing, my performance. It’s hard these days to have strong emotions since I am content with my life in general. So whatever strong emotion I get I keep in order to help my music. It’s not fair to the people that never get to hear what I have to say, but as they say, sometimes you have to make a choice.
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