Beach Break
FAULT: What’s the story behind Beach Break?
OLIVER: Well I basically played in a lot of bands around where I lived and I played with a lot of different people and I started to realise that like, the more people you have around you the harder it is to get anything done. So I sort of locked myself up in my room and started recording a bunch of songs and putting them on myspace or whatever, and people seemed to like it.
FAULT: Do you write from personal experiences?
OLIVER: Mostly yeah, songs like ‘Blue Mood’ and ‘So Dumb’ are just basically whatever is going through my head or whatever’s happening around me at the time I write the song, so I guess that’s personal experience. A lot of the songs are just things that happen to me.
FAULT: Who was “Girl” written about?
OLIVER: That song is about my girlfriend, it was the second song I wrote after ‘So Dumb’ and it was kind of a juxtaposition to it. They were sort of the two extremes, like the “oh man, I’m such a hip teen, I love getting wasted” sort of shit that ‘So Dumb’ is about and I felt that it needed to be balanced by a more sort of “yeah I do love getting wasted, but like, there’s more important stuff going on in my life”.
FAULT: What sets you apart from other artists?
OLIVER: Er, not a lot really. I guess. Other than the fact that I’m 17 and trying to do all this stuff on my own but then there’s bands like Spectrals and Avi Buffalo who are doing that too. Plus I think Dave Grohl wrote and recorded the entirety of the first Foo Fighters’ album? So that’s got to go back to like ’95? I imagine other people did it before him too, so yeah, not a lot really sets me apart. I just write songs that I hope people will like and relate to on some sort of level.
FAULT: What are you currently working on?
OLIVER: Well at the minute I’ve got my friends Nick and Sam working out the songs with me live so that’s pretty much the main focus right now. I’m still writing and recording and am planning to release an album of about 14 songs at some point either with or without a record label, the only difference will be whether it’s in HMV or Tesco or whatever. But yeah, at the minute I’m just trying to turn this into something people can come and see and hear and enjoy on stage.
FAULT: What is your creative process, when writing a new song?
OLIVER: I usually just write a guitar part first, like I’ll be messing around on guitar or whatever and then I’ll play something and think “oh man, that sounds cool” then I’ll try and figure out if I’ve sub-consciously ripped it off from anywhere, which is usually the case, but if I get the green light from copyright then I’ll just start to build it up. Guitar first, then maybe add a bass line if my friend Josh will lend me his bass. I’ve got a drum kit in my attic which is my brothers so I’ll go up there and just use my computers built in mic to record that. I record everything on to GarageBand, it’s an absolute babe of a program.
FAULT: Do you have any live shows coming up?
OLIVER: Well like, Me, Nick and Sam are sorting out all the songs live and we’re aiming to be playing live sort of January time. Which is also the sort of time I’m hoping the record will be done, so they’ll coincide nicely. I’ve got a couple of friends around where I live that put on club nights as well so hopefully if I can convince them to let me on the bill then I should be okay for the first few bookings. After that, we’ll just try our best to keep recording and playing live.
FAULT: What is your FAULT?
OLIVER: My fault I guess is that I’m pretty careless with things, clumsy mixed with carelessness was never going to work and it hasn’t so far. I mean at the minute the guitar I’m using is borrowed off my friend Euan because my other one ‘broke’ and I just seem to lose or break or damage everything. I’ve only just recently got a phone with a fully functioning screen after I broke my last one about 6 months into my contract. So yeah, I’m pretty careless.
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