Teseleanu George

  • Full name:
    Teseleanu George
  • Date of birth:
  • What is your current location:
    Bucharest, Romania
  • Tell us a little about the art styles that you use:
    The art styles that I use are Dada and Surreal art styles, but the most predominant one is the surreal style.
  • Why did you choose these art styles:
    The urge to create art came naturally to me, especially because since I was a little child I was taken to visit art museums and that opened my interest in art.I was especially attracted, and still am, to strange artworks. I am attracted to impressionist artworks, because they only suggested an image and you had to create the image for yourself; to cubism artworks, because, they teach you to see the world differently, to see the circle as a square; to dada artworks, because they don’t use logic and standard thinking; and the last, but not least, the surreal artworks. So you can say that I didn’t choose my art styles, they came naturally to me.
  • What is your favorite one and why:
    My favorite art style is the surreal one, because you don’t have any boundaries. You can use your imagination to combine some elements and they don’t have to exist somewhere. They can only exist in your head and that is enough.
  • What other art styles would you like to experiment with:
    I would like to try to create some visual poetry and some book autopsies.
  • Which one of you artworks is your favorite and why:
    My favorite artwork is Torso No.7, because is so simple and yet so beautiful and complex.
  • How long have you been an artist:
    I began experimenting with different methods of creating art, a long time. I tried drawing, digital landscaping, writing and photography, but I consider myself an artist since I tried collage , three year ago.
  • How did your family and friends react of you being an artist:
    I kept my art endeavors hidden from my family . My mother always suspected something, because she always saw me cutting and gluing different images together, but she never asked me any questions. They found out, when I ordered a book, I was featured in, and my uncle became curious and he found some articles about me and my personal site. The response it was a positive one, they became very exited and I received a lot of good vibes from them.
  • Where do you get your inspiration from:
    My inspiration comes from many different places. It can come from a novel, for example, or simply a feeling, or maybe a word. There is no recipe for inspiration. I have days when I struggle all day to create something, and I’m not happy with the outcome, and the next day I create something very fast.  So I have to say that my inspiration comes from life and fiction, or more simply from experiences.
  • What are your tools of trade:
    My tool of trade are paper, glue and scissors.
  • Do you live of your art or do you do your art as a hobby:
    I do my art as a hobby. In real life, I’m a student at the Faculty of Mathematics, and I’m studying for my master’s degree.
  • Do you promote/ sell/ showcase your artworks. If you do, how:
    I like a lot to share my work on various sites such as Deviantart.com, Abnormals.org and Visionaryartgallery.weebly.com. Occasionally I send artworks to different exhibitions around the world and I also try to publish my artworks in various publications.
  • How did the internet influenced your art:
    The internet influenced me a lot. Because of the internet I have materials to work with and a lot of places to draw my inspiration from. I also, met a lot of great artists, and the internet allowed me to get in touch with them and start doing collaborations with some of them.
  • Where can people see your artworks:
  • How can people contact you: