Kylie Jenner – exclusive shoot for FAULT Issue 20 front cover

FAULT Magazine Issue 20 – the Faces Issue will feature reality TV star and global style phenomenon Kylie Jenner as its front cover feature this Spring. As one of the most widely followed personalities on social media today, Kylie is already a bone fide tastemaker at the tender age of just 17.
FAULT’s exclusive shoot with Kylie runs over 12 pages inside the issue (in addition to the front cover) and also includes the issue’s Style section cover – which is available as a special edition front cover edition in its own right.
Shot in LA to meet the ‘Faces’ theme of FAULT’s landmark 20th issue, renowned celebrity photographer Lionel Deluy captures the ‘real’ Kylie Jenner. Elegantly and simply styled by Monica Rose, the shoot showcases a side to Kylie that she herself admits in her interview is something “…that people don’t see” in her usual social media output or TV appearances.
In her interview, Kylie discusses her thoughts on ‘significant others’, the pressures of fame, how her public persona only shows one side to herself, her views on materialism versus spiritualism and how she deals with criticism of herself and her family.
FAULT: At just 17, you’re already one of the best known personalities in the media today – and one of the most followed on social media. Do you feel that people look up to you in that respect? Is there any pressure or obligation that comes with that, do you think?
Kylie: I never feel pressure to be a good role model. I always try to do my best to inspire people to be good and do the right thing, but I just can’t live my life always trying to be a good role model. I try to be the best I can be, but it’s hard sometimes. We’re all human. I just like to live each day and just be me and be real.
I definitely always feel pressure to act a certain way, but I try my best not to let it affect me – although there are times where I’m not totally myself because of that. Even at the mall I feel like I can’t totally be myself. When I’m not in public, I try to always be with my friends, so I can totally be myself and not have to worry about people judging or watching.
Is there a difference between the person you are on social media as opposed to the ‘real Kylie’, that is,the person you are when you’re with your friends and family?
People are going to judge you no matter what you do. So now I feel like I haven’t been open as much as I used to be. I haven’t really been letting my fans get to know me a lot; I closed down a little. I love to connect with people, but it became just a bigger door for people to judge me. I feel like, growing up, I haven’t had a lot of room for error – I don’t have room to make mistakes. You need to make mistakes to grow and learn, but I’m just a little different because the whole world is watching me, every single thing I do. So I closed my door a little, just until I get a bit older and then I’ll probably get back into it. On Instagram I’m like a different person almost, I just show people what I want people see.
So what are you like behind closed doors then? What really makes you happy?
I have to feel like I’m OK with everyone I love in my life. I never want to have bad beef with anybody. I always want everyone to be happy. Also balancing work life and personal life so I never lose myself. Lastly, I don’t think I need a significant other to be happy because I always like to find that for myself, but I think that it makes me a lot happier when I’m sharing my life with somebody.
On growing a thick skin:
“Being in my family, under scrutiny all the time… it affects the other people around me. My friends can get freaked out when they come into my world. It’s sad when you really think about it. There have been so many people that come into my family’s life that can’t handle it. And we handle a lot. The more people love you ,the more there’s going to be people who hate you. So I just feel like the girl who is an easy target to talk about. It’s definitely been crazy, but I feel like we all have trust that we’re in it together and we try to focus on the positive.”
On what people would be surprised to find out about her:
“There’s definitely a spiritual side to me and I honestly want the best for everyone. I’m not materialistic, I love clothes and all that stuff, but I don’t need it to live. I feel like, not that I’ve had everything, but once you feel you’ve had everything at a young age, you can either go down a path of being spoiled and self-centered, or you see it isn’t everything. I’ve found ways to really enjoy life. But people may get the wrong idea. Having a reality TV show, everyone feels like they know you, but that’s only 10% of my life. There’s a whole other side of me that people don’t see.”
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